This Incredibly Helpful Needle-Threading Hack Will Save You SO Much Time and Sanity

May 7 2018 - 12:35pm

That awkward moment you realize you did it wrong your whole life. pic.twitter.com/oi8vKbMyvY [1]

— John Bick (@JohnBick4) April 2, 2018 [2]

Threading a needle takes lots of patience and too much time for most people, but a hack that's going viral is here to change that. Instead of trying to insert the thread into the tiny eye of the needle, you can instead lay the thread flat on the palm of your hand. With your other hand, place the needle flat on top of the thread and vigorously move it back and forth where the hole hits the strand. The friction between the needle and the thread will cause the two to meet, and after a few seconds, the thread will be through the hole!

Twitter user John Bick shared this life-changing tip, which is originally from an online series called 5-Minute Crafts [3]. With more than 21,000 favorites and counting, the tweet has other people praising the idea and questioning why they'd never thought of this before.

What type of sorcery is this? https://t.co/uI2jQJAv5l [5]

— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) April 4, 2018 [6]

Good grief. After 50 years of going cross-eyed 😢

— D Bell (@Bell32796) April 3, 2018 [7]

Magic that would had saved me years on my life!!! pic.twitter.com/vooIGLXZhf [8]

— Laura (@lsirikul) April 4, 2018 [9]

Whether it's a hack for folding a fitted sheet [10] or learning an easy way to clean white sneakers [11], we're all about a tip that saves us time and sanity. The next time we attempt to sew a button, we'll have the needle threaded in no time.

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