14 Signs You're TOO Competitive

Jun 30 2016 - 7:00am

Some say you're power-hungry and pushy; you say you're just committed. You were the student who answered all the teacher's questions in class, and now you're the (slightly demanding) adult who's not afraid to bring her A game wherever she goes [1]. Ahead are 14 signs you take competition to a whole new level. Here and there, it gets a LITTLE out of hand . . .

Your biggest thrill is being right.

And let's face it — you always are [2].

Game night may put a strain on your relationships.

When the gang gets together to play Candy Land, things tend to get a bit . . . heated.

Sports are WAY more than just casual entertainment.

They're something you put your entire soul into.

You're always the first one at any event.

The early bird catches the worm — and you catch all the worms.

. . . And the last one to leave.

Sleep is for the weak [3].

When people tell you to "chill out" or "tone it down," you do anything but.

How does one "relax," even? Can't compute.

You're persistent — about EVERYTHING.

The truth is, you never give up until you get your way.

Drinking games are serious business.

You're no quitter.

You could spend all day beating your latest high score.

And yes, it's top priority.

You have nightmares about coming in second place.

Yeezy sums it up best.

You don't understand the meaning of "going easy."

Sorry, kids. You'll just have to toughen up.

Life is one big contest.

From racing the car next to you to boarding the subway first, your ultimate mission is to come out on top.

You've been known to brag from time to time.

"Modesty" isn't really in your vocabulary.

Your greatest strength — and weakness — is your ambition.

All you do is win, win, win. (Ruthlessly.)

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