If You Want This to Be Your Best Year Yet, Cut Out These 16 Things

Feb 15 2017 - 10:30am

This year is the time to embrace [1] an "out with the old, in with the new" attitude. If there are things (or people) that aren't bringing you happiness, then it may be time to let them go [2]. Here's some inspiration if you're looking for what to get rid of this year and what to make room for instead [3].

Clothes you haven't worn in the past year.

Old books you don't plan on rereading.

Lazy habits that are holding you back.

Your 2015 calendar. Throw it away or upcycle it into something awesome.

Medicine, makeup, sunscreen, and any other items that are past their expiration dates.

Clutter that collected dust in 2015.

Negative thoughts. Only embrace good vibes this year.

Old electronics and other used goods you can sell for cash.

Unhealthy habits.

Outdated magazines.

Food in your pantry or fridge that has expired.

People in your life who are bringing you down instead of up.

Junk mail, old receipts, and paper bills you've already paid.

Coffee mugs, plastic containers, utensils, and any other kitchen items that are old and falling apart.

Vinyl records, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, and yes, even DVDs you'll never use again.

Anything that doesn't bring you happiness!

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