10 Things Proven to Make You Happier

Everyone wants to know the secret to happiness, and turns out, it's not that big of a secret. We searched for the things that have been proven to make people happier, and hint: it's not money or material possessions. Overall, much of what we discovered was related to self-care, which makes sense, since happiness begins with you. See which 10 things you should add and maintain in your life.

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One study found that having sex once a week makes you as happy as making $50,000 more each year. Benefits of sex not only include physiological effects but also stronger connections to your partner, which in turn make you happier.

Unsplash | Matt Jones


Giving thanks has shown to be connected to one's happiness because it requires acknowledging the good. By writing thank-you notes, maintaining a gratitude journal, or being appreciative mentally, you'll notice a different mental state.

Close Connections
Melissa Cervantes Photography

Close Connections

A 75-year Harvard study revealed that the key to life happiness and vitality is relationships. And this goes beyond just a romantic partner. Social connections in general proved to be beneficial, including those with co-workers, friends, and family.

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim


When you work up a sweat, your body releases endorphins, or feel-good chemicals. That's why you feel less stressed after a workout and leave the gym or class in a much better mood.

StockSnap | Yingchou Han


Next time you're trying to justify a reason to get a puppy, say it's for your health. Studies show that owning a pet can reduce stress and blood pressure and help with depression.

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim


Getting a good night's rest has more benefits than a tolerable morning. Adults who sleep for seven hours or more are mentally healthier than those who are sleep deprived. Consistently not getting enough shut-eye increases stress levels and your risk for depression.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart


Daily meditation has proven to have a positive impact on people's lives. Participants who practiced a particular form called loving kindness meditation experienced more positive emotions and life satisfaction over time. Even a few minutes each day can make a difference.

Good Company
StockSnap | Matheus Ferrero

Good Company

Surrounding yourself with cheerful and happy people will inevitably rub off on you. One person's happiness can have a ripple effect and influence another's happiness.

Unsplash | Konstantin Kopachinsky


Research has shown that traveling makes us happier than owning material things and even getting engaged. Results have also found that the planning and visualizing phase of travel is the happiest. It's time for you to finally book that trip!

Helping Others
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Helping Others

According to Time, "happiness is found in helping others." Giving is indeed better than receiving, and scientific research has supported the notion that doing things for others can lead to lasting happiness.