11 Tips For Celebrating Thanksgiving Solo, From Someone Who's Done It

Nov 12 2020 - 9:30am

If the COVID-19 pandemic [1] has you feeling uneasy about traveling home for Thanksgiving, or if you're concerned your loved ones aren't taking enough safety precautions right now, know that it's totally OK to celebrate Thanksgiving solo this year. In fact, I can tell you from experience that celebrating the holiday [2] by yourself can actually be quite fun and relaxing, because I did it in 2018 when I lived several states away from my family.

From munching on your favorite Thanksgiving foods [3] to watching all your favorite Thanksgiving-themed TV episodes [4] to pampering yourself, there's plenty of ways to enjoy Thanksgiving on your own. As someone who's been there, here are several of my tips for a joyful, solo Thanksgiving holiday.

Watch All Your Favorite Holiday-Themed TV Episodes or Movies

When I celebrated Thanksgiving solo in 2018, one of the ways I made it special was by watching as many of my favorite holiday-themed TV episodes as possible. I watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and every Thanksgiving episode Friends had to offer, plus hilarious and heart-warming holiday-themed episodes [5] from series like American Dad, Family Guy, Gilmore Girls [6], The Mindy Project, and New Girl. I highly recommend it.

Check In With Your Loved Ones

Just because you can't physically be with your loved ones doesn't mean you can't connect with them on Thanksgiving. Whether you'd prefer to FaceTime [7], hop on a Zoom call, have a good old-fashioned phone call, or stick to texting, checking in with your loved ones is one way to make the holiday feel more "normal."

Enjoy Your Favorite Comfort Foods

If your idea of a perfect Thanksgiving meal is Chinese takeout and Twinkies, great! If you want to cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner [8] for yourself, awesome. Whatever your preference, just make sure to enjoy your favorite comfort foods on Thanksgiving — after all, good food is kind of the star of the show when it comes to this particular holiday.

Decorate For the Winter Holidays

If you've already decorated for the winter holidays, good for you. If not, your solo Thanksgiving holiday might be the perfect time to do it. I decorated for Christmas when I celebrated Thanksgiving alone, and it made me so happy. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the winter solstice, or all four, decorating for the holidays [9] is guaranteed to boost your mood, and it will instantly add a level of coziness to your home. Just make sure to listen to holiday music as you decorate!

Donate to a Charity that Fights Hunger, If You're Able

Thanksgiving is all about enjoying delicious, traditional, comfort foods (it's my favorite thing about the holiday), but food insecurity is a major problem in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the issue, and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. If you're able, consider donating to one of the many charities currently working to end hunger [10] in the United States.

Take a Walk

For most of my adult life, I've taken an after-dinner walk on Thanksgiving. If you live in an area where you feel comfortable walking alone — whether in the woods, at the park, or around the block — I highly recommend it. It's a great time to meditate [11] on all the things you're thankful for, and there's a good chance you'll smell fantastic Thanksgiving dinner smells, delightful chimney smoke, or both. Just be sure to wear a mask and practice social distancing [12].

Pamper Yourself

At-home pampering [13] is a fun and healthy way to self-soothe, and it's especially fun to do while you're eating your favorite comfort foods and watching your favorite holiday-themed TV episodes and movies. Face masks, deep-conditioning hair treatments, and bath soaks are my favorite ways to pamper myself at home, but I enjoy a good mani-pedi as well. If you like painting your nails, these winter-themed nail polishes [14] are superfestive.

Get Dressed Up, and Take a Selfie

Personally, I enjoy getting dressed up on Thanksgiving. I always dressed up for my grandma when she was alive, and I've kept the tradition going since she passed away. If you can relate, get dressed up this Thanksgiving, and share a picture of yourself — whether on Instagram or in a texting chain with loved ones — in your holiday best.

. . . Or Wear Your Favorite Pajamas All Day

Perhaps in 2020 particularly, donning your favorite sleepwear set is a form of dressing up, too. Whether you're rocking matching flannel pajamas, a luxurious silk pajama set, or your favorite sweatpants and fuzzy robe, spending the day in your best sleepwear is a wonderful way to embrace a solo Thanksgiving. If you're looking to update your pajama collection ahead of the holidays, check these out [15].

Take Some Time to Do Some Unlearning

I don't know about you, but over the years, I've come to realize much of what I was taught about the first Thanksgiving — and early American history in general — might not be entirely true. Certainly, some important details were left out, and not all Americans' perspectives were included. With that in mind, one way to honor the holiday during your solo celebration is to take some time to do some unlearning — this article [16] is a good place to start.

Zen Out with Your Favorite Full-Spectrum CBD Products

I can't recommend full-spectrum, lab-tested CBD products enough. From tinctures to edibles to topicals to infused drinks, I love them all. If you're looking for a fun and healthy way to relax during your solo Thanksgiving celebration, check out these CBD products [17].

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