25 Changes You Can Make at Home to Reduce Your Use of Plastic

Apr 2 2021 - 1:25pm

With the production of plastic increasing [1] exponentially each year, it's not surprising that non-biodegradable material is a staple ingredient in many commonly-used household items. According to National Geographic, about 8 million tons of plastic are disposed of into the ocean [2] each year, which creates a grave health risk for marine life, as they can get tangled in or suffocated by the plastic waste [3]. With the current state of the environment being in such dire need of help, individual responsibility for what we buy and what we throw away is crucial if we want to see positive changes to the environment's overall failing health. From switching out your toilet bowl cleaner to bringing your own bags to the grocery store, here are 25 changes you can make right now to reduce your use of plastic and do your part to live a eco-friendly [4] life.

Say No to K-Cups

Using automatic coffee makers that require K-cups (or other plastic pods) directly contributes to plastic pollution, so it's best to skip them altogether. Instead, invest in biodegradable or stainless steel K-cups [6], which you can fill yourself and either reuse or recycle once your cup of joe has been brewed.

Use Silicone Lids

Stop wrapping your leftovers in single-use plastic wrap and cover them instead with stretchy silicone lids [7] or beeswax wrap. This plastic-wrap alternative is stretched to fit and seal the opening of a food storage container the same way you would use plastic wrap, but without the environmental harm.

Use Reusable Utensils

Not only are the plastic utensils you get with a to-go meal flimsy, but they're also damaging to the environment. Instead, invest in a set of reusable utensils [8] to take with you when packing a home-cooked meal or after purchasing one to-go from a restaurant.

Use a Reusable Water Bottle

Ditch the single-use plastic water bottle and invest in a reusable alternative that you can fill up and take with you wherever you go. You can find reusable water bottles that are made from stainless steel [9], glass, or copper.

Use Tooth Paste Tablets

Instead of squeezing toothpaste out of a plastic tube, purchase zero-waste toothpaste tablets or powder to clean your pearly whites. These tablets [10] come with everything you need to keep your teeth fresh and clean, without the added plastic waste.

Buy in Bulk

Buying things in bulk — like cereal and pasta that you can put into reusable containers — will help you cut back on the extra and unnecessary packaging of multiple individual items.

Use a Metal Razor

Instead of shaving with a plastic razor, invest in a sustainable alternative like this double-edged metal razor [11]. To keep this razor sharp, just switch out the blade in the razor with a single replacement and shave away.

Cut Back on Chewing Gum

Gum is made of a synthetic rubber, so the less you chew, the better for the environment. There are, however, more environmentally-friendly options, like this Simply Natural Gum [12], which uses a biodegradable tree-sap base instead.

Make Your Own Juice

Making your own freshly-squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables will help you avoid buying it in plastic containers. Not only will you cut back on plastic this way, but you'll also know exactly what goes into your juice, which makes it healthier.

Use Silicone Baggies

Don't pack a sandwich or snacks in a single-use plastic bag. These silicone baggies [13] are a great plastic-free alternative for taking your meals and snacks on the go with you without hurting the environment.

Use Glass Meal Prep Containers

Meal prepping can be great for reaching nutrition and fitness goals, but when your meals are stored in plastic containers, they are contributing to the plastic pollution problem. Invest in non-plastic food storage containers, such as glass alternatives [14] or ceramic ones, to be able to store your food with greater peace of mind.

Invest in Mesh Produce Bags

Stop reaching for the plastic bags stationed in the produce aisle while grocery shopping. Available in a multitude of sizes for all your produce needs, these mesh drawstring bags [15] allow you to select your fruits and veggies without harming the environment.

Look For Microbead-Free Cleansers

The microbeads found in face products are as damaging to your skin as they are to the environment, so if you want to be plastic-free, these types of cleansers have got to go. It's important to know that the microbeads found in such cleansers are made from plastic, which — once rinsed off your face and down the drain — contribute directly to plastic pollution in the environment. Instead, try a microbead-free cleanser [16] in reusable packaging.

Use Zero-Waste Shampoo

Don't allow your shower to become a plastic hair-care bottle graveyard. Instead, consider purchasing a zero-waste shampoo [17]. Usually found in bar form, these shampoos come in plastic-free packaging and can be just as effective at getting your hair clean as a traditional shampoo.

Use Zero-Waste Toilet Bowl Cleaner and a Bamboo Bruh

Done are the days of using a toilet bowl cleaner with plastic packaging and a plastic toilet brush to match. Purchase a zero-waste toilet bowl cleaner or make it yourself [18] at home and invest in a bamboo toilet brush [19] to reduce the amount of plastic waste that comes with keeping your bathroom clean.

Use a Bamboo Toothbrush

Pick a bamboo toothbrush [20] over a typical plastic one to consciously reduce environmental harm while still keeping your pearly whites shiny and plaque-free. Pair the toothbrush with zero-waste toothpaste for an eco-friendly start and end to your day.

Find Package-Free Stores (Just Bring a Mason Jar!)

If your pantry is bursting at the seams with plastic-packed items, switch to storing your items in air-tight glass containers [21] and shopping at plastic-free/package-free stores where you can buy grains, legumes, spices, and more to refill your stock. This method keeps your ingredients fresher longer and avoids plastic pollution.

Use Reusable Straws

Instead of sipping from a single-use plastic straw, buy a few plastic-free straws to keep at home or in your bag for easy access. You can reach for straws made from silicone [22], metal, bamboo, or glass whenever you want to enjoy a beverage through a straw but not contribute to plastic pollution.

Opt For a Reusable Menstruation Cup

Women's menstruation products such as pads and tampons often come packaged in materials that are harmful to the environment but are used out of necessity. Instead of going plastic, buy a reusable silicone cup [23] that will meet your menstruation needs without the monthly plastic waste.

Use Plastic-Free Cotton Swabs

Not only is it common to see q-tips packaged in plastic, but they are often made with a plastic stick to keep the two pieces of cotton together. Ditch the plastic cotton swab and purchase paper or bamboo cotton swabs [24] instead.

Bring Reusable Bags to the Store

Single-use plastic bags are not only annoying to carry in bulk when filled with groceries, but they're also wasteful and their small capacity often requires using many to bring your purchases home. Instead, invest in a plastic-free reusable bag [25] that is made with cloth or recycled materials.

Reuse Takeout Containers

Ordering takeout [26] is a great way to support local businesses, but the plastic containers can add up. Instead of throwing them away, hand wash them with soap and water or run them through the dishwasher to use again. Pro tip: if you meal prep, these containers are usually perfect to house all of your weekly lunches!

Use Plastic-Free Deodorant

To keep your underarms smelling fresh throughout the day without producing any plastic waste while doing so, look into getting a plastic-free deodorant [27]. Plastic-free deodorants can be found in many forms — sticks, bars, powders, and creams — and are kept in zero-waste packaging.

Focus on What You Already Have

So many things can be repurposed [28]. For example, instead of buying a vase for some new flowers, check around your house to see what else you can use (hint: any type of jar works great). Before you buy something new, ask yourself if you already have something that could work with a little DIY [29] love — you'll be surprised just how versatile some things are!

Use Collapsible Cups

Silicone-based collapsible cups [30] are an eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic cups. These plastic-free cups come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and their collapsible shell is convenient for space-saving purposes. Many varieties also come with a lid and silicone straws, which makes the experience of sipping and storing a beverage in them that much more enjoyable.

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