Your Feb. 20 Weekly Horoscope Is Pushing You Toward a Transformation

Feb 20 2022 - 1:25pm

The only thing more auspicious than the guiding North Node transiting through Taurus — a sign symbolic of security, sustenance, and the senses — is the fact that celestial counterparts Mars and Venus will travel side by side for the next month or so. The irony of this rare conjunction [1] is pleasantly surprising when you think about it. In addition to being the planet of assertion and passion, Mars is Scorpio's traditional planetary ruler [2]. Mars and Venus will inspire and harmonize — amid their transit through Capricorn and Aquarius — all while the North Node is in Venus-ruled Taurus, and the South Node is in Mars-ruled Scorpio. It's not every day you see the planet of passion conjunct the planet of love, let alone while the Nodes of Fate transit through their signs of rulership. Basically, don't sleep on this unique astro-weather [3].

If you're wondering how to best harness the cosmic energy at play, start by recognizing your worth. It's also a good time to reflect on your divine mission on the planet. The romantic chemistry of Mars conjunct Venus is no secret, but when transiting through a cardinal Earth sign [4] like Capricorn, there's a more serious undertone to this aspect. Mars is, after all, a fiercely independent warrior, and this is precisely the energy we're being called to embody. Whether it's an entrepreneurial venture on your mind or the "traditional" romance you can't help but crave, something is aggressively propelling you toward the future. As you can probably feel, it's time to take action, but before you get ahead of yourself, let's take a closer look at your Feb. 20 weekly horoscope.

Before the moon [5] concludes its journey through harmony-seeking Libra on Feb. 20, it'll square off with Mars-Venus in Capricorn, which could, strangely enough, serve as a muse of inspiration, especially when it comes to professional endeavors. Fortunately, the moon's trine to Saturn in Aquarius will simultaneously present you with an opportunity to solidify or build upon previously established connections. It's also a wonderful day to get something off your chest. The moon [6] will slip into mystifying Scorpio for the next two days, which is always a plus during fellow water sign Pisces season. However, this week's square between the moon and Mercury-Saturn in Aquarius could trigger some feelings of restriction, specifically when it comes to expressing yourself authentically. Make sure you're being honest with yourself first.

On a brighter note, the moon will also form harmonious aspects to Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune, which, in turn, will encourage you to feel your feelings, materialize your hopes, and move toward the transformation you seek. The last quarter moon in Sagittarius, on Feb. 23, signals a time of release and transition out of outdated belief systems and unrealistic hopes clouding your future visions. Moreover, a dreamy sextile between Mars and Neptune on Feb. 23 — followed by Venus sextile Neptune on Feb. 24 — creates a mystical synergy between your red-hot passions and the art of seduction. Fantasy-filled and swirling with romance, this aspect can be equally alluring as it is intoxicating, so be mindful of where (and how much of) your energy is going. If you're artistic, this is an excellent time to tap into your creative energy. Find an outlet for self-expression.

Wondering what this week has in store for you? Read your weekly horoscope for Feb. 20 through Feb. 26 according to your zodiac sign [7] and your rising sign below. After, be sure to check out your February monthly horoscope [8] for an overview of the rest of the month, and for a greater look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope [9].

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

If harnessed correctly, this week's astro-weather can be quite productive for you, Aries. Although, while you may be greeted with exciting collaborations and work opportunities, it's important for you to surrender your need to control the outcome of a particular situation. Keep this in mind toward the beginning of the week on Feb. 20, when the Libra moon — via your seventh house of one-on-one partnerships — faces off with Mars (your ruler), Venus, and Pluto — via your 10th house of authority. Try to focus on the ways you can solidify your current connections instead of dwelling on unfulfilled expectations. Besides, with the Mars-Venus conjunction dazzling your professional sector, you'll have plenty of luck on your side.

Expect an added layer of mystery and intensity to your day as the moon slips into smoldering Scorpio the following day on Feb. 21. More importantly, however, Luna's square to Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius — on Feb. 21 and 22 — will also highlight the areas in which you need to set firm boundaries, especially for those of you starting a new journey. Fortunately, the moon's harmony with Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune will allow your intuition to skyrocket. Finally, the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 emphasizes the personal philosophies and belief systems that are no longer serving you. What are you ready to release?

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

You're busier than ever, Taurus, but somehow, you're still lacking an overall sense of direction. The good news is, nobody can ground themselves better than you can, but it won't be easy. For instance, the moon will face off with Mars, Venus, and Pluto at the start of the week, and despite everything you have going on, you could feel as though your actions aren't aligned with your long-term goals. Perhaps it's officially time to change gears and walk down the path that's right for you. The moon's shift into Scorpio will highlight your one-on-one connections, but its square to Mercury-Saturn on Feb. 21 and 22 will likely challenge the structure of your current relationships. When all else fails, lean on your friends and extended network for support.

Fast forward to the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23, which will shake up your intimate eighth house of sex, shared resources, and joint ventures. The last quarter-moon phase is all about release, so consider this an opportunity to break free from entanglements that no longer serve your highest good. Mars and your planetary ruler, Venus, will meet with dreamy Neptune in a sweet sextile on Feb. 23 and 24 as well, greeting you with serendipitous opportunities, some of which may require you to travel. Make sure you do your research before going all in.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

Reflect on your current commitments, Gemini. Before the moon wraps up in Libra and your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure on Feb. 20, it will clash with Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn via your eighth house of shared resources. Are you sure you're committed to something or someone that allows you to be your most authentic self? Fortunately, even though the moon's square to Saturn will require some discipline, it does bring focus to the bigger picture. You'll feel this push even more with the moon's shift into Scorpio and your responsible sixth house on Feb. 21, which brings forth an opportunity to transform your current situation.

The moon will also square Mercury (your planetary ruler) and taskmaster Saturn, which can really only mean one thing: it's time to get down to business. The last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 will touch down on your committed seventh house of agreements and significant others, highlighting your one-on-one connections and the belief systems between you. If you feel your philosophy on relationships is in flux at this time, rest assured, it's all for your own good. You can expect some more clarity on these relationships upon the moon's shift into Capricorn on Feb. 25 and 26, as it joins Mars and Venus in your intimate eighth house. Ask yourself: where is this actually going?

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

You're soul searching before you make your next move, Cancer. Amid its transit through justice-seeking Libra and your emotional fourth house of home on Feb. 20, the moon will square off with Mars and Venus in Capricorn via your relationship-focused seventh house. You could feel intrigued or interested in a potential offer but are seeking more stability in the process. Fortunately, the moon's shift into Scorpio the following day on Feb. 21 will ignite your romantic fifth house of passion, and it will eventually form harmonious alignments to Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune on Feb. 22. In addition to being guided to open your heart, chances are you're also indulging in the fantasy of it all.

Whether romantically or creatively, the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 — activating your responsible sixth house of daily rituals — will likely shed light on the day-to-day routines and habits you need to release to fully step into this passionate energy. If direction still seems hazy, Mars and Venus will also meet with Neptune via your exotic ninth house of expansion, reminding you to trust the process. Plus, a path will become clearer toward the end of the week upon the moon's shift into realistic Capricorn on Feb. 25. Note that the moon will also meet with rebellious Uranus via your 11th house of social networks on Feb. 26, so expect the unexpected.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

Keep your eyes on the prize, Leo. If you feel distracted toward the beginning of the week, blame the moon's square to Mars and Venus on Feb. 20 shining a light on your curious third house of communication and your dutiful sixth house of daily rituals. In other words, don't be afraid to take a rain check with your besties or lover, because from the looks of it, you've still got some work to do. Granted, this may or may not sit well with someone, especially when considering the moon's shift into moody Scorpio and square to Mercury and Saturn in your relationship sector the following day. If anything, this will serve as a gentle reminder to cross your t's and dot your i's to avoid confrontation.

On Feb. 23, the last quarter moon in Sagittarius touches down on your romantic fifth house of pleasure . . . but there's a catch. The last quarter moon has everything to do with release, so take a moment to reflect on your heart's desires that you need to purge at this time. On a brighter note, things will become more grounded when the moon shifts into structured Capricorn and your responsible sixth house of due diligence. The moon will then meet with freedom-loving Uranus in your 10th house of authority on Feb. 26, so don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

Don't be discouraged by the unknown, Virgo. Before the moon concludes its journey through Libra and your security-seeking second house on Feb. 20, it will face off with Mars via your fifth house of love. Do you feel comfortable expressing your passions creatively or romantically? You could feel torn between submitting to your heart's desires and adhering to your idea of balance. The moon's shift into Scorpio the following day brings a fresh perspective to themes of communication, but by that same token, there's likely something you're being called to transform when it comes to your thought processes. This may seem easier said than done, but letting go of your need to compartmentalize people, places, and things is a start.

Moreover, the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 activates your domestic fourth house of home, family, and deep feelings, triggering a need to let go. Be it a tradition in your family or perhaps even a style of living, the cosmos are highlighting what's no longer in alignment with your innermost soul path at this time. Also, if you've been crushing on someone, the moon will join Mars and Venus in Capricorn later in the week, igniting your passionate fifth house of love. This astro-weather feels undeniably sexy, and getting your flirt on is almost inevitable.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

You know a thing or two about keeping your composure, but at what cost, Libra? This is significant to consider at the beginning of the week, when the moon squares off with Mars in Capricorn and your fourth house of innermost feelings, concluding its journey through your sign. Assertive Mars rules your committed seventh house, so don't be afraid to confront a significant other if need be. On Feb. 21, upon the moon's move into Scorpio and your second house of comfort and values, it will clash with Mercury, creating friction between your innate longing for security and your desire to explore your options creatively or romantically. Given that the South Node is in Scorpio, it doesn't hurt to reflect on your fears surrounding stability and release what's holding you back.

On Feb. 22, after going head-to-head with structured Saturn, Luna will finally harmonize with your ruler, Venus, along with Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune. This brings forth the opportunity to integrate your new-and-improved outlook with your day-to-day routine. As the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 ignites your curious third house of communication, it's time to release an outdated way of thinking about your daily habits and work routines. This energy may feel tense, but try to make yourself comfortable as the moon slips into your cozy fourth house of home on Feb. 24 until the end of the week. It'll sit alongside luscious Venus and go-getter Mars, so take some well-deserved time for yourself — self-love is the best love.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

With so much on your plate, you're likely keeping to yourself at the start of the week, Scorpio. Before the moon wraps up in Libra and your 12th house of closure, dreams, and secrets, it will clash with your assertive traditional ruler Mars on Feb. 20. Do your best to keep your balance, especially with red-hot Mars energizing your busy third house of communication. Upon the moon's shift into your sign the following day, however, keeping your emotions at bay will be easier said than done. Luna will square Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius via your fourth house of emotional foundations on Feb. 21 and 22, prompting you to approach something or someone with honesty and integrity.

Facing your fears will surprise you in a good way this week, especially when considering the moon's harmonious alignment to Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune. You are stepping into your power more and more. Learn to transmute your shadow aspects into art and passion. The last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 will illuminate an opportunity to release outdated beliefs surrounding your money-making abilities and your definition of wealth. Keep your eyes peeled. A sweet sextile between Mars and Neptune via your fifth house of passion projects on Feb. 24 encourages you to tap into your creativity in a big way.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

Every worthy experience will typically require you to step outside your comfort zone, Sagittarius. With the moon glimmering through your 11th house of community, chances are you're being presented with exciting opportunities at this time. The catch, however, could stem from the moon's tense square to Mars on Feb. 20, creating friction between your desire for security and meeting your collaborators halfway. You can always sleep on any major decisions, as the moon will slip into Scorpio via your sleepy 12th house of rest, closure, and surrender on Feb. 21. Try to get your ducks in a row beforehand if you can, as the moon will eventually clash with chatty Mercury and taskmaster Saturn on Feb. 22.

The moon's dreamy trine to your planetary ruler, Jupiter, and Neptune come midweek will serve as a reminder that your inner knowing is guiding you down the right path. Keep this in mind during the Feb. 23 last quarter moon in your sign, which will encourage you to leave your old self behind as you embark on a new journey. That said, keep your feet on the ground: Mars and Venus will meet with hazy Neptune on Feb. 23 and 24, making you prone to illusions and romanticization. Instead of dwelling on the unknown, channel any fear into something creative. Your next steps should become clearer toward the end of the week when the moon shifts into pragmatic Capricorn and your security-focused second house of comfort, finances, and values.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

Do what you do best and take the lead, Capricorn. The week of Feb. 20 kicks off with the moon concluding its journey through harmony-seeking Libra and your 10th house of ambition, career, and legacy in the world, and you're being called to take the initiative this week. But the moon will simultaneously clash with Mars in your sign, meaning you're more prone to overexerting your will at this time. Fortunately, the moon's shift into Scorpio the following day — via your 11th house of community — will remind you to lean on your peers for support. The moon will also square Mercury and Saturn via your second house of values on Feb. 21 and 22, calling you to think on your feet.

Amid all the moving parts of this week, don't be so hard on yourself, and pat yourself on the back for everything you've accomplished thus far. The last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 will touch down on your secretive 12th house of surrender, presenting you with an opportunity to kick back and recharge. The best part? With both Mars and Venus sextiling Neptune on Feb. 23 and 24, your rich imagination and connection to the universe is undeniable. This is an excellent opportunity to dig in to the creative side of an entrepreneurial journey. As the week comes to a close with the moon glimmering through your sign, take some time to get in touch with your emotions.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

You're dead set on planning for the future despite the uncertainties that come along with it, Aquarius. Before the moon wraps up its transit through your expansive ninth house of adventure, it will clash with go-getter Mars via your 12th house of surrender. This could potentially add a layer of confusion or fear to next steps. Your challenge is to rise above these inhibitions. The moon's shift into Scorpio the following day will touch down on your bossy 10th house of authority and square Mercury and Saturn in your sign on Feb. 21 and 22. In other words, it's up to you to set the record straight and take charge of a situation.

The moon will be in harmony with Jupiter and boundless Neptune via your second house of stability, serving as a reminder to set firm boundaries and embrace your self-worth. Looking to the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23, this lunation brings closure to your 11th house of community. You're likely in the process of releasing an unrealistic hope or a community of individuals you no longer mesh with. This energy is tough, but on Feb. 24, the moon will enter Capricorn via your inhibited 12th house of closure, dreams, and hidden agendas. Use this time to rest and recharge — you deserve it.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 20, 2022

You're all about honoring your commitments, but you also can't help your outside curiosities, Pisces. Amid the moon's journey through your intimate eighth house of soulmate connections on Feb. 20, it will face off with Mars via your 11th house of community. Cat got your tongue? It's not your fault you're so popular, but note that professional offers are also being presented to you at this time. On Feb. 21, the moon's shift into Scorpio and your expansive ninth house of adventure will bring transformation and revelatory insight regarding your personal values. New beginnings are ahead, and you can feel it in your bones. But have your fears been getting in the way of your divine path?

In the meantime, the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on Feb. 23 will touch down on your 10th house of career, authority, and reputation, highlighting belief systems that need to be released surrounding your professional path and definition of success. Mars will also sextile dreamy Neptune in your sign, allowing you to reimagine everything from your long-term dreams to your unique aesthetic. Speaking of which, your dreams will become more grounded upon the moon's shift into Capricorn and your 11th house. Kismet networking opportunities may suddenly arise or, better yet, become solidified.

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