For a Stronger Butt

4 Kettlebell Glute Exercises

Kettlebells are beginner-friendly and "one of the most versatile pieces of equipment," says Danielle Gertner, a NASM-certified personal trainer. Ahead, see four kettlebell moves to fire up all the muscles in your butt.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a kettlebell with both hands by the handle in front of your hips. Hinge your hips backward and lower the kettlebell to shin height. Press through both feet to stand.

Kettlebell Deadlift

Hold a kettlebell with both hands by the horns in front of your chest. Reach one foot behind you to place your toes onto a step deck, bench, box, stair, or chair. Bend your knee to lower your hips down until both legs are bent at about 90 degrees.

Bulgarian Split Squat With Kettlebell

Hold a kettlebell with both hands by the flat part of the handle. Keep your back flat and engage your core. Bend at your knees, and push your glutes back. Extend your hips and legs to stand, driving the kettlebell forward and up to just above shoulder height.

Kettlebell Swing

Start lying on your back with your right arm extended toward the ceiling, holding a kettlebell. Lean your weight onto your elbow so that you're half sitting up. Come into a bridge, then shoot your leg backward to rest your knee. Push off the floor with your hand and press into your foot to stand. 

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