5 Easter Eggs in Taylor Swift's "Bejeweled" Music Video

As any Swiftie knows, Taylor Swift loves to pack her songs and videos full of references and callbacks to her own discography. Tap ahead to discover the Easter eggs hidden in her "Bejeweled" music video.

Dern shows off all the eight "engagement rings" she's received — combined with her five necklaces, that adds up to Swift's favorite number, 13.

Laura Dern's Rings and Necklaces

Did you spot the "Speak Now" references? Dern literally tells Swift, "Speak not!" — the opposite of speaking now.

"Speak Not!"

The basement Swift is exiled to features a portrait of the prince, Jack Antonoff. The painting features a pile of kittens and cats, which are Swift's favorite animals.

Jack Antonoff's Portrait

Swift takes out her pocket watch, and it turns out her exile ends at midnight, a callback to the "Midnights" album's title.

Swift's Pocket Watch

The queen at the ball is Pat McGrath, and she has two portraits behind her of Zöe Kravitz and musician Sam Dew. Both are cowriters on "Lavender Haze."

Portraits of Zöe Kravitz and Sam Dew

See the Full List of Easter Egg's in Taylor Swift's "Bejeweled" Music Video

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