Here's What to Do About It

Hangxiety Makes a Bad Hangover Even Worse

If you're experiencing hangover anxiety, what can you do about it — and why does it happen in the first place? We've got the details ahead. 

"Anything that upsets your body's metabolic equilibrium can have a negative effect on your mind and body and potentially trigger anxiety," Tracey Marks, MD, psychiatrist and author of "Why Am I So Anxious?: Powerful Tools For Recognizing Anxiety and Restoring Your Peace,"  says, and that includes alcohol. 

Hangover Anxiety: Why Does It Happen?

Racing heart
Racing thoughts
Numbness in your extremities
Dissociative feelings, including feeling disconnected from your environment or yourself
Throat tightness

Hangover-Anxiety Symptoms

Hangxiety is rough, but "given time and rest, good self-care, and hangover symptom management, you will begin to feel normal," Monica Vermani, C. Psych, a clinical psychologist in Toronto and author of "A Deeper Wellness: Conquering Stress, Mood, Anxiety and Traumas," says.

How to Treat Hangover Anxiety

When it comes to preventing hangover anxiety, unfortunately, there aren't many shortcuts. "Self-moderation [of alcohol] is key," Dr. Vermani says. She and Dr. Marks both recommend staying hydrated during and after drinking.

How to Prevent Hangover Anxiety

To Learn More About Hangover Anxiety

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