Diverse Emoji Are Finally Here — but Something's Messed Up

Apr 12 2015 - 10:30am

Major news, everyone: diverse emoji are finally here on your Apple devices. Now, when you download the new iOS 8.3 [1], you can click and hold down a particular human face and see the option to change the skin tone. There are also new emoji for families with two moms and two dads, as well as new country flags.

But! We have a very important question: how come the families aren't diverse in their skin tones?

Get the shade though: THE FAMILIES ONLY COME IN WHITE...

— Roux Tang Clan (@SheSeauxSaditty) April 8, 2015 [2]

So the families and people in love can't be people of color @APPLE [3]?

— Roux Tang Clan (@SheSeauxSaditty) April 8, 2015 [4]

When you hold down the family emoji, you only get a white family option.

Sad face.

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