Sci-Fi's Most Frequently Challenged Books Will Surprise You

Sep 22 2014 - 11:33am

The annual Banned Books Week is currently underway to support the freedom to read and, according to the American Library Association [1], "to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular." Familiar and wildly popular books often make their way up the rankings of the ALA's frequently challenged books [2]. The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins is a global hit, but in 2010 it made its first appearance in the Top 10 Most Frequently Challenged Books, at No. 5. The complaints against the books include antiethnic and antifamily messages, insensitivity, offensive language, occult scenes, and violence.

Despite First Amendment protection, banning or attempting to challenge books has a long history, with many cases even making it to the US Supreme Court. As the American Library Association explains [3], "Books usually are challenged with the best intentions — to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information." Our favorite science-fiction and fantasy books [4] often contain these themes that some find questionable, whether it's alien life forms, magical powers, or mystical worlds. In honor of Banned Books Week, we're rounding up the most challenged science-fiction and fantasy books according to the ALA. Browse the list below.

Source: Flickr user quinn.anya [7]

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