Bill Gates Accepts Your Ice Bucket Challenge, Zuckerberg — With Style

Aug 15 2014 - 1:18pm

Listen up, Mark Zuckerberg. Bill Gates not only sees your ice bucket challenge [1], but also raises it up a level with a homemade ice-bucket-drenching rig. Plus the promise of actually donating money in the name of ALS [2].

Gates is the latest public figure to join this web trend of dumping ice on themselves to raise awareness for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, a neurodegenerative disease that targets nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. But when Bill Gates accepts a viral challenge, he does it with some flair. Watch below as he draws up plans for the geekiest ice-bucket-dropping device we've yet seen. Also, that view of his waterfront house in the Pacific Northwest is mighty nice.

Who does the former Microsoft CEO challenge? Ryan Seacrest [3], Elon Musk [4], and Chris Anderson of TED, you have 24 hours to donate and/or meet the ice bucket challenge.

Post [5] by Bill Gates [6].

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