"Black Hole Rap" Is All Kinds of Brilliant

Jan 26 2014 - 4:29am

Hear the phrase "black hole," and you're either confused or terrified. But science rapper (!) Coma Niddy from PBS wants you to stop all that. With his song "Black Hole Rap," he's rhyming and educating us once and for all about the mysterious void. The rap starts simple, "Like a bagillion stars are in the sky, and sooner or later, those stars will die," and the hook, well, it's even simpler. "I know that this may sound crazy, but black holes aren't that scary." Sure, it sounds like it was written for a child, but that's the only way to break down this complicated stuff.

Oh, and the whole video takes place at NASA with some exploding visual effects thrown in.

Bravo, Coma Niddy. Bravo.

Love the sci tune? Buy it on iTunes [1].

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