Facebook Updates Its Trending Topics Section Policies Following Allegations of Biased News

May 24 2016 - 11:40am

Update, May 24: After an investigation and a meeting with conservatives and Senator John Thune last week, Facebook is changing how its Trending Topics section operates. In a blog post [1] posted on May 23, Colin Stretch, Facebook's general counsel, outlined what would change, namely: not relying on external websites or outlets to validate certain topics; no longer using the list of 1,000 news sources, the RSS feed, or top 10 media outlets list; no longer giving a certain topic an "importance level"; and adding in more information to its help center document on what the Trending Topics section is.

The blog post also added that it did not find any "systemic political bias in the selection or prominence of stories included in the Trending Topics feature." However, Stretch did add that the investigation "could not fully exclude the possibility of isolated improper actions or unintentional bias in the implementation of our guidelines or policies."

Hopefully now Facebook fully understands the immense power that it holds when it comes to what people see on their feeds — and just how upset it can make anyone to find out it's being deliberately manipulated.

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Update, May 18: Mark Zuckerberg put a post up on May 18 [2] announcing that he has met with conservatives to make sure the trending news section of Facebook is fair and balanced. He wrote, "This afternoon I hosted more than a dozen leading conservatives to talk about how we can make sure Facebook continues to be a platform for all ideas across the political spectrum." Here's the full post.

Original story:

Where do you get your news? My guess isn't network television, but your Facebook feed. The social network's dominance as a source of news is at the center of its latest controversy. This time Facebook isn't accused of experimenting on our emotions [3], but with our information. According to allegations, Facebook knowingly suppressed conservative news from its Trending Topics section and injects stories into it — even if they aren't trending. In other words, Facebook is accused of making opaque editorial decisions instead of acting as a neutral reflection of its community. Keep reading to get a full breakdown and timeline of how all this shook out.

Gizmodo publishes an account from anonymous Facebook Trending Topics employees who state they suppressed conservative news.

A Facebook executive in charge of the Trending Topics section refutes these claims.

A senator wants Facebook to provide answers as to what the company is doing to address these concerns.

The Guardian posts exclusive internal documents that suggest the news section is programed by people, not an algorithim.

Facebook publishes information on how the Trending Topics section works.

Mark Zuckerberg responds to the controversy in a post on May 12.

What's next?

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