Facebook Just Got a Million Times Better, Thanks to This New Feature

Jul 21 2014 - 11:35am

Sometimes Facebook can feel like a free-for-all mix [1] of political rants, vacation photo dumps, restaurant check-ins, and links to long-form articles you'd like to read if you actually had time. But usually you don't, since you're waiting in line at the deli, half watching Game of Thrones, or, god forbid, going to the bathroom [2]. Well, as of today you can make a lot more sense of the social chaos. Facebook has a new feature: save. It lets you save items — like links or places — so you can go back and read them later. Check out these screenshots:

Unlike most Facebook features, your "saved" list is private. Your friends can't see what you bookmark, unless you decide to also share it with them. The added privacy also differentiates the new capability from Twitter's "Favorite" feature, which is public. Once you save an item on Facebook, it will be listed under "saved." Seems simple enough! Facebook will be rolling it out this week on iOS, Android, and on the web. We're already feeling it.

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