5 Back-to-School Geeky Essentials to Make This Your Best Year Yet

Aug 10 2016 - 1:45pm

It never feels like the right time to go back to school, especially when there are tons of Pokémon left to catch [1] in Pokémon Go [2]. But, instead of treating this year as just another one, make it a little more special by starting it off with some geeky products that will make you maybe a little happier to back to long nights of studying. Keep reading to see the products and hopefully it'll be your best year yet.

Loot4Fangirls Crate

I'm a huge fan of subscription boxes [3], so when I heard that my favorite geek-chic brand [4] was collaborating with LootCrate on a box specifically tailored to fangirls, I was sold. I picked up my first Loot4Fangirls crate [5] ($65) at Comic-Con and loved the fun fashion, beauty, and collectible goodies that I found inside. I don't want to spoil anything, but suffice to say that this crate will definitely be a fangirl favorite! It'll be the perfect gift to yourself every month for studying so hard. — Brinton Parker, assistant trending editor

Tears of Joy Power Bank

Whether you're using your phone to take notes or Snapchats in school, you need a portable charger [6], so might as well get the Tears of Joy Power Bank [7] ($40). It charges both iPhones and Android devices and comes as a fun emoji — making it stand out in the crowd of chargers. — Ann-Marie Alcántara, assistant editor, Tech

Her Universe Captain America Striped Mockneck Tank Top

When Ashley from Her Universe sent me this Captain America Striped Mockneck Tank Top [8] ($28, on sale for $14) from the brand's Marvel collection, I knew it was about to become an instant favorite in my wardrobe. The soft material, trendy cut, and subtle comic-book reference make this the perfect Summer-to-Fall top for a relatively understated geek like myself! I've gotten so many compliments on this specific shirt from people who have no idea that it's even comic-inspired, which is the ultimate sign of success for a geek-fashion brand [9]. — BP

Monster Ghostbusters On-Ear Headphones

I am hopeless when it comes to working diligently without canceling out the noise around me, so I always need a sturdy pair of headphones. The Monster Ghostbusters On-Ear Headphones [10] ($120, originally $140) are great to get if you're trying to upgrade your earphones to something that will make you more focused as you study. — AMA

Frostbeard Studio Wizardy Buttery Drink Candle

I like to start prepping for Fall annoyingly early, which means that I've been burning this Harry Potter-inspired Wizardy Buttery Drink candle [11] ($18) since late July. The warmth and coziness of magical butterbeer is the perfect scent for curling up with a book, watching movies, or welcoming friends into your home . . . Hogwarts-style! At the rate I've been burning mine, I'll need to order another one of these candles [12] soon. — BP

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