Oops! This Might Be the Most Embarrassing Text Ever

Jul 9 2014 - 11:18am

Source: Twitter user dearfashionn [1]

One night you're sending a not-so-innocent nude sext to a fellow consenting young adult, when you get a most mysterious reply . . . from your dad. Whoops! It's a true (though that's debatable [2]) story from Nyjah, a college student who shared this most embarrassing texting blunder on Twitter under her handle @dearfashionn [3], hopelessly searching for a quick fix [4] from her dad receiving the picture message she meant to send to someone else.

Many of Nyjah's followers told her to turn on Airplane Mode [5] fast to prevent the text from going through, which we tried out, and isn't a quick enough solution — the text always went through thanks to impeccable wireless coverage.

Understandably, Nyjah's dad was a little upset as evident in the many phone calls and texts he sent his daughter after receiving the picture. All of which Nyjah shared with her growing number of followers. She's received over 400 new Instagram follower requests [6] and gone from 800 Twitter followers [7] to nearly 12,000, all people eager to see new videos and pictures of her dad's reaction.

Though many online are speculating this could be one of the best Internet hoaxes of 2014 [8], let Nyjah's story be a lesson to us all: check, recheck, and then triple check that your entered the correct contact information when sending a risqué text. Even better, follow Nyjah's own advice, and Snapchat it.

i shoulda sent the nude on snapchat

— nyyy nyyy (@dearfashionn) July 8, 2014 [9]

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