Here's What Guy Fieri Looks Like With "Normal" Hair

Nov 19 2014 - 9:02am

For as long as the Earth has spun, we've know chef Guy Fieri to have bleached hair and tips reminiscent of your eighth-grade boyfriend. Shout-out to BuzzFeed editor George Kerrigan for giving us an image of what he would look like with "normal" hair and sans beard.

here's what celebrity chef @GuyFieri [1] might look like with a "normal" hairstyle, if anyone's into that sort of thing. pic.twitter.com/DGDpyjzYNh [2]

— Wrong Opinion Guy (@gewqk) June 27, 2014 [3]

Other sites took that stunning image and photoshopped it into great works of art — which, mind you, can never be unseen.

Guy Fieri with regular hair inserted into great works of art history http://t.co/gNxo2kAYmS [4] pic.twitter.com/7SqdEN8OaW [5]

— Eater (@Eater) November 19, 2014 [6]

It's times like these you just want to thank the heavens for Photoshop.

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