This Incredible 13-Year-Old Invented a Lego Braille Printer

Jan 25 2015 - 4:54pm

What were you doing at 13? Probably not inventing a Braille printer . . . made out of Legos. Shubnam Banerjee is a teenage whiz kid who created Braigo (Braille + Lego, get it?) for his school science project. Shubnam's goal was to create an inexpensive Braille printer for the blind, as most printers cost over $2,000. The bulk of his DIY project ended up costing $350, the cost of a Lego robotics kit. The plan is available online so that others can put together the printer, too!

The concept was so good that Intel even decided to fund the project and turn it into a start-up. The prototype used parts from a desktop printer, as well as an Intel chip with bluetooth and WiFi integration. Way to go, Shubnam!

All eyes on @braigolabs [1] portfolio demo showcase at #icapsummit [2] pic.twitter.com/GD2vQawBZu [3]

— Intel Capital (@intelcapital) November 4, 2014 [4]

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