Polaroid + Lomography = Perfection

May 29 2014 - 1:11pm

All of our photography dreams have come true with the Lomo'Instant Camera [1] ($79). It's a shooting device that combines the experimental nature of lomography with instant analog photography. Basically, it's perfection!

A lens system allows for wide-angle, portrait, and fish-eye attachments. There's also flash (with both manual and auto modes) and an option for infinite long exposures to light paint with [2] or shoot in low-light situations. Color gels drench your photos in pretty hues — think: Instagram filter in real life.

The Lomo'Instant works with pretty standard Fujifilm Instax film [3] ($37 for a five-pack), so you'll never have to go digging for now-defunct Polaroid film. The Kickstarter project [4] has certainly surpassed its goal, having already raised over $435K of $100K with 28 days left to go. Back the campaign for $79 and get a black-edition camera with a wide-angle lens or $89 for the white edition.

Source: Lomography [5]

There are a variety of shooting types.

Source: Lomography [6]

The Lomo'Instant takes Fujifilm Instax Film.

Source: Lomography [7]

There are three lens attachments: wide angle, fish eye, and portrait.

Source: Lomography [8]

So many colors!

Source: Lomography [9]

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