Something's Very Wrong With This Sonic Screwdriver

May 11 2014 - 9:15am

It's our favorite time of the week — looking back at the Internet's funniest, cutest, and generally most amazing pictures of the last several days! Ahead, Matt Smith uses his smarts from playing the Doctor to know something is amiss with a certain sonic screwdriver, cats get amazed by technology, and the world's been overrun by Frozen [1].

Source: Reddit user kirbyfood via Imgur [2]

Someone gave Matt a screwdriver that was a little light on the "sonic."

Source: Reddit user kirbyfood via Imgur [3]

"The Batstache."

Source: Reddit user joecooool418 via Imgur [4]

"And then a crack appears in the wall."

Source: Imgur user TheChurroGuy [5]

"Live long and get some . . . "

Source: Reddit user there_is_no_try via Imgur [6]

"So I work at this publishing company . . . "

Source: Reddit user Skywlker541 via Imgur [7]

"There's always tomorrow."

Source: Reddit user I_hate_whales [8]

"We got a new water bowl for our cats that has constant flowing water. They sat like this for over an hour."

Source: Reddit user dajuice32 via Imgur [9]

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