10 Slang Words You Should Definitely Know and Use by Now

Feb 17 2017 - 12:15pm

If you're alive and breathing in this century, chances are you've definitely used words like "ghost" and "facepalm." But like anything popular and trendy, it always takes the world a little bit to catch up. But the internet's new favorite dictionary [1], Merriam-Webster, decided it was time to add more than 1,000 new words and terms [2] — including popular slang. So grab a chair and get ready to see what the dictionary added — and memorize these words if you don't know them already.


Ghosting is when someone just straight up stops texting or talking to you out of nowhere. It's so common, especially on dating apps, that you've most likely ghosted someone or been a victim of it.


You know that moment when someone says something so silly or obvious you can't help but sigh and put your hand to your face? Yeah, that's called facepalming.

Throw Shade

Shade is probably the most complex word to describe these days. Throwing shade is when you show how much you don't like someone but in an extremely subtle manner.


If you call out your own accomplishments to a friend or co-worker, you're doing a classic humblebrag. Basically, a humblebrag is when you want people to know something cool about you but you pretend to be shy when you bring it up.


Binge-watching is when you hole up on your bed or living room and do nothing but watch a new season or show without stopping for hours.


Ever look at a photo and see someone smiling slyly in the background? That's a photobomb, a classic move of jumping into someone's photo or video without them noticing.


A great way to let someone you don't like them is giving them the side-eye. It's a look you give where your eyes convey everything they need to about someone or something, such as contempt, dislike, and annoyance.

Riding Shotgun

Everyone knows the best seat in the car is the passenger seat — aka riding shotgun. You get more leg room and control over the temperature and music in the car.

First World Problem

You know that moment when you walk in somewhere and there's no WiFi? Or when your Amazon package is a few days late? While it's upsetting, it's totally a First World problem.

Walk Back

Sometimes, we give the wrong fact or opinion and want to take it back. Once you start pretending or "forgetting" what you've said, you're walking back on it.

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