Sean Spicer's Tie Turned Into an Epic Green Screen For the Internet

Mar 19 2017 - 6:00am

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is once again an internet meme [1]. Sometimes, though, he makes it too easy, like wearing a green tie in his most recent press conference on March 16.

Spicer wore a green tie to commemorate St. Patrick's Day [2]. However, he forgot the most important rule about appearing on TV: don't wear green [3] because it can be "easily isolated and swapped with other things," according to the Independent. That's exactly what Jesse McLaren, a social media producer at BuzzFeed, did and added in hilarious images onto Spicer's tie. He posted the hilarious video to Twitter and the internet loved it.

What happens when u wear a green tie on TV 😭 pic.twitter.com/gAohulqeck [4]

— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) March 16, 2017 [5]

The result is one hilarious photoshop of Spicer's tie — and a memory we'll treasure forever. Hopefully, Spicer learns his lesson and doesn't repeat the same fashion mistake.

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