FYI, Cell-Phone-Only Sidewalk Lanes Now Exist

Sep 15 2014 - 11:29am

File this one under ridiculous modern-day problems [1]. Apparently things have gotten so bad in China with people being glued to their phones that one city has created a sidewalk lane [2] just to keep people in line. On Foreigner Street in Chongqing, one side is just for folks staring at their phones, and the other is for people who dare to practice safety while walking.

A much-needed idea comes to China. http://t.co/mEWQWmI2Lc [3] pic.twitter.com/LLP8G0BUzn [4]

— Chris Buckley 储百亮 (@ChuBailiang) September 13, 2014 [5]

If this sounds familiar, it's because National Geographic created a similar lane in Washington DC back in July as an experiment [6]. The result? Many people using their phones didn't even notice the lanes. Womp.

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