14 Incredible Life Lessons We All Learned From Super Mario

Everyone's favorite plumber turned 30 in 2015 — Super Mario Bros. first came out as a game in Japan in 1985. Since then, Mario, who is just a simple man trying to rescue Princess Peach, has become beloved by video game players everywhere. Even if you don't play video games, you've probably seen Mario on toys, on TV, in the movies, or even in a cafe. In his 30 years of existing, Mario has taught us so much that can totally be applied to the real world. Look ahead to see what you can learn from him or reflect on what he's already taught you.

It's OK to face your fears when you're ready.

It's OK to face your fears when you're ready.

It's up to you to decide when you can tackle any monster hurdle in your life.

You can be anything you want.

You can be anything you want.

If Mario can go from being a plumber to a doctor, you can achieve any dream you want to.

Change at your own pace.
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Change at your own pace.

The same way that it's up to you to take a power-up to change Mario, you're the only person who decides that about yourself.

Alone time is the best time.

Alone time is the best time.

There's a difference between being alone and feeling lonely, and Mario knew it. If he ever wanted to disappear for a bit, he'd do it when there was a perfect time for it.

Roll through life with confidence in yourself.

Roll through life with confidence in yourself.

It didn't matter if Mario was small or was Fire or Tanooki Mario, he could still win any challenge. He believed in himself, and so should you.

We all go through different phases in our lives.

We all go through different phases in our lives.

Like Mario, we all change physically, emotionally, mentally — you name it. No matter what, it's important to look back at certain parts of your life with appreciation.

However you define family, it's super important to support them.

However you define family, it's super important to support them.

Mario and Luigi are such a great team, always looking out for each other. Doing the same for family is totally worth it.

Having good friends who always have your back is awesome.

Having good friends who always have your back is awesome.

They'll care for you and provide endless amounts of love whenever you need it — and even freak out with you if necessary.

Enjoy the small things in life.

Enjoy the small things in life.

It's all about the simple things in life, and sometimes finding small, random amounts of money is enough to bring a smile to your face.

Sometimes, we all go the extra mile for love.

Sometimes, we all go the extra mile for love.

Sure, maybe you shouldn't attempt to travel through several worlds to rescue a princess, but going out of your way to show your love isn't weird — it's wonderful.

Try anything at least once.

Try anything at least once.

And not just the ol' college try, but a real try where you can honestly decide whether you liked the experience or not.

Reach for the impossible.

Reach for the impossible.

Yes, we all grew up hearing "reach for the stars," but seriously, go for what you want in life.

Love yourself.

Love yourself.

Take the time to appreciate yourself and how badass you are — just like Mario.

When in doubt, play video games.

When in doubt, play video games.

No matter why you play video games, it's important to remember that they are more important for your well-being than you think. So keep playing and never feel bad about it!