12 Impeccable Details You'll Notice at The Shining House at Halloween Horror Nights

Sep 30 2017 - 4:50pm

Universal's Halloween Horror Nights [1] is back for another blood-curdling year at the Hollywood and Orlando parks, and it really brought its A game. In addition to the multiple scare zones (if you hate The Purge, we suggest you sit this one out), there are a whopping nine haunted houses [2], four of which are totally original. One of the houses brings to life The Shining, one of the most iconic and terrifying movies ever made (based on Stephen King's bestselling book).

And the coolest thing about horror when it's in the hands of Universal is that it makes the experience extremely lifelike. Not only do you get to enter the Overlook Hotel through the hedge maze, but you also have to make your way through the lobby, down those creepy hallways, through Room 237, and back out through the frozen maze again. The attention to detail is insane, and it makes Universal's haunted houses untouchable.

The Main Lobby

The haunted house is very narrow and forces you to go single file throughout the entire thing, but you still walk down the hallway next to the main lobby. There are those signature chandeliers above you, the rustic decor all around you, and, oh, the dead body of poor Hallorann on the floor.

Danny Riding His Bike Down the Hallway (With That Carpet)

You pass by Danny on his little blue bike staring all the way down this creepily decorated hallway. The carpet is exactly the same, and the walls are so white you might even get a headache.

Room 237

While Danny was told to stay away from Room 237 in the movie, you have no choice but to walk right into it. You spend time in the pastel green bathroom and even come face to face with the horrifying old lady in the bathtub.

The Murdered Twins

Not only do the Grady twins calmly ask you to come play with them, but you also see the bloody aftermath of when their father brutally murdered them with an ax.

The Gold Room Bar

One of the best (or worst) parts of the house is when you enter the Gold Room. You have to walk by that creepy bartender who's serving up drinks and make your way through 1920s party guests who have all turned into ghosts.

Jack's Typed Words

Not only do you have to listen to loud and intense typewriter noises as you make your way through part of the house, but papers with Jack's repeated words, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," are also taped all over the walls.

Jack Axing the Door . . .

Yep, a creepy Jack Nicholson [4] look-alike swings an ax through the Torrances' apartment door to try to reach Wendy . . . all while you're standing two inches away. Oh, and he's also wearing that exact outfit.

. . . and Wendy Freaking Out

And an actress who looks almost identical to Wendy screams bloody murder as Jack utters that iconic line.

The Rush of Blood

One of the movie's most terrifying parts makes for the house's coolest effect. You walk by those red elevators as an actual red substance gushes from all corners and spills out into the hallway (all behind a protective divider). It's incredibly chilling.

The Old Photos

As you turn a corner while walking through the lobby at the Overlook Hotel, you'll notice those iconic photos from its famous parties in the 1920s hanging on the wall.

The Bear

You better believe someone in that terrifying bear costume pops up.

The Maze

At the very start of the house, you enter the Overlook Hotel through the hedge maze as snow gently falls on you. And when you exit the house, you have to find your way through the maze once again as Jack (who becomes progressively more frozen each time he pops out) chases you with an ax.

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