Whittle Your Middle With the All-Abs Workout

Jun 15 2018 - 5:20am

Here are nine great exercises for toning your midsection. Remember, the ol' Pilates trick of pulling the belly button in ensures that you're working the deepest ab muscle (known as the transverse), which helps create a sleek midriff.

The exercises are divided into three sections: upper abs, obliques, and lower abs. You can approach this workout three different ways: pick one exercise from each section and perform two to three sets, pick two exercises from each section and do one to two sets, or for the ultimate boredom buster, do one set of all nine exercises.

Combining these exercises with regular cardio and clean eating [1] and incorporating these flat-belly foods [2] into your diet will help you keep flat abs throughout the year.

Model credit: @shafiawest [4]

Obliques: Twisting Side Plank

Obliques: Seated Russian Twist

To increase the difficulty of this exercise, hold a five-pound medicine ball or dumbbell at chest height.

Lower Abs: Resistance Band Flutter Kicks

Lower Abs: Double Crunch

BONUS: 10-Minute Standing Ab Workout

It's time to the give up crunches to do some ab exercises that really work [5]. Skip lying on the ground and give this 10-minute ab workout a whirl. Adding a dumbbell to the workout makes it even more effective. Grab your weight, between five and 10 pounds, then press play, and get ready to work!

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