How Chickpeas Can Help You Lose Weight

Jul 10 2016 - 8:30am

While there is no magic weight loss pill, the common chickpea seems to come close — at least as a natural diet supplement.

Nutritionist Julie Upton calls these beans a multitasking food for dieters [1]. Chickpeas help keep hunger in check because they offer a significant source of fiber, are chock full slow-to-digest protein to keep you feeling full longer, and can keep your carbohydrate cravings in check by maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

And there's science to back this up. According to a study published in the journal Appetite [2], regularly eating chickpeas helped keep dieters on track. Study participants, who ate a half cup of chickpeas containing 6 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein [3] daily, consumed fewer calories from high fat, low fiber foods; but once they stopped eating the beans, the participants began to snack more on less healthy fare.

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