How to Carve a Turkey, in Pictures

Nov 22 2018 - 4:00am

You've grilled, braised, or roasted up a beauty of a bird [1], but now what? While carving a turkey might seem daunting the first go-round, all it takes is a little know-how and practice (it gets easier every time!) to carve and plate a turkey worthy of centerpiece status.

P.S. Don't forget to show off the intact bird before you dig in, but carve it up in the kitchen (rather than table-side) to avoid prying eyes, all the pressure, and contain any potential mess.

Let the Turkey Rest

After you take the turkey out of the oven, place it on a carving board breast-side up, and let it rest for about 30 minutes (45 minutes for any bird larger than 14 pounds).

Slice Through the Skin Around the Leg

Use a boning knife (a paring knife will work in a pinch) to cut through the skin around one leg.

Remove the Leg

Pull the leg away from the body until the ball joint (where the thigh bone connects to the pelvis) pops out of its socket, and is exposed. Using downward pressure, cut through the joint with a chef's knife. Cut through any remaining flesh attached, and set the leg aside on a separate cutting board.

Turkey Leg

Here's what the whole leg should look like. Repeat the previous steps on the other side of the turkey.

Break Down the Leg

Flip the leg over, so that it's skin side down. Make an incision into the flesh between the thigh and the drumstick, and pull apart to expose the joint.

Separate the Thigh From the Drumstick

Using downward pressure, cut through the flesh at the joint (between the two bones). Repeat on the other leg.

Start to Remove the Breast

Make an incision parallel to the breastbone, using the tip of the boning knife, in order to tear the skin as little as possible.

Separate the Breast From the Body

Cut through the flesh along the lines of the incision, until you meet resistance where the wing connects to the body.

Separate the Wing

Pull the breast and attached wing away from the carcass to expose the joint, and remove it, wiggling the knife into the joint as necessary.

Turkey Breast and Wing

Here's what the whole breast with the wing still connected should look like. Repeat the previous steps on the other side of the turkey.

Start to Separate the Wing From the Breast

Make an incision around the area where the wing connects to the breast.

Finish Removing the Wing

Extend the incision around the whole joint to loosen the skin (and prevent it tearing as much as possible). Cut the wing away from the breast through the joint.

Slice the Breast Against the Grain

Holding the skin taut as necessary, slice the breast against the grain (make these portions as thick or thin as you desire.) Repeat the previous steps to break down the other breast and wing.

Arrange on a Platter

Arrange on a platter, show off your handiwork, and serve with all the fixings.

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