10 Things You Should Buy at Target

May 17 2018 - 1:40am

Christy Palmer, an expert bargain hunter and founder of All Things Target [1], is giving us yet another reason to shop at Target — as if we needed it! She told us the inside scoop on some of the best things to buy at the store and offered helpful hints on how to save cash at Target by making the most of special deals. The next time you go, keep these tips below in mind.

Best Deals on Items and Brands

Makeup: Makeup at Target is a great deal because you can use a Target coupon along with a manufacturer coupon. "I have often bought makeup for under $1 (or even gotten it for free) due to the fact that I can stack coupons," said Christy.

Personal care items: Target offers a variety of coupons for deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, soap, and more, and the store puts many of these items on sale pretty often, too.

Threshold home decor (Target exclusive): Many of the items from the Threshold [3] brand are similar in style to some of the classic high-end stores but at a much lower price, and according to Christy, the quality is great too.

iTunes gift cards: Target may not be the first place you think of when you think of iTunes gift cards, but you can frequently find them on sale for 10 percent off, so wait for the sale, and get in on the deal!

Circo clothing brand for kids (Target exclusive): "I love the quality of their clothing [4]," Christy told us. "The styles are always cute, and the prices are great. Pair them with a sale and a coupon, and I love the brand even more!"

Photo frames: "Pretty much all the photo frames in my house have come from Target," Christy said. "I love the styles and the prices — it's very easy to find frames on clearance for 70 percent off because they always have to make room for new styles."

Up & Up brand (Target exclusive): "I have found so many of the items in their store brand of the Up & Up line work just as well as the leading brands and a much smaller price. The Up & Up [5] brand of hair detangler works perfect for my girls' hair, and it's much cheaper than the leading brand. I always pick up the Up & Up ibuprofen, cotton balls, and so many more household basics," she says.

Kids' bedding and room decor: Kids' bedding and room decor are often included in Target's special offers, and the quality and design are on par with much more pricey options elsewhere. "Target can do no wrong when it comes to children's bedding . . . This is a great department to find clearance items because the bedding styles and colors often change with the seasons," Christy said. "I have five kids, and pretty much all their bedding and room decor has come from Target."

Best Dollar-Spot Finds

Note cards and stationery item and small buckets/baskets: They are great for gifting and make for a cheap and cute way to dress up a gift for someone.

Holiday items: According to Christy, the dollar-spot section changes with the seasons and holidays, so there is always something new to discover every couple of months. When it clears out the old items to bring in the new, the store will mark down certain dollar-spot items to 50 percent off, and then 70 percent off — which means you might end up paying only 30 cents for them!

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