Opinion: The Best Part About Doing Your Makeup Is Turning on the Getting Ready Playlist

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If I'm really doing my makeup — like going for an involved look — I need at least 30-45 minutes to get it done right. Obviously, the finished product at the end of the time-consuming process makes all that work and time spent brushing, blending, and blotting worth it. But, I have to admit that my absolute favorite part about these occasions is the opportunity to blast and sing along to a getting-ready playlist — and here's a few reasons why.

It Sets the Vibe For the Evening
I can always count on my getting-ready playlists to hype me up for a social event. I obviously go for an upbeat and happy playlist to boost my energy and mood after a long day, but I also try to make my DJ selections thematic and based on where I'm going and who I'm seeing. Dinner with my childhood friends requires lip gloss and '90s pop. An intimate wedding or an anniversary dinner? Love Ballads and red lipstick all the way.

A Great Playlist Keeps the Stress Low
I am not exactly the most calm, cool, and collected person under tension. Sometimes, even if I'm looking forward to the event I'm prepping for, I'll feel super anxious about getting there on time or being able to successfully create the makeup look I want without flaw.

My getting-ready playlist keeps the overall vibe relaxed so that I can focus on the task at hand and arrive at my destination in the right mindset. And if that's applying eyeliner, I need all the positive energy I can get. Even if I do mess up and have to remove all my eye makeup to start again, a little Dua Lipa makes it all feel fine.

It Offers You an Opportunity to Listen to New Music

Over the past year, I've found myself getting more distracted than ever. It's strange, and something I've never struggled with before, but I have to blame it on the overwhelming stress of this past year and working from my apartment instead of a quiet office. That means that in order to stay on track, listening to music with lyrics is pretty much a no-go. I, on occasion, have found myself temporarily shifting from writing to Googling analyses of song lyrics — and that, my friends, is why my most-played Spotify playlist during the workday is Classical Focus.

My getting-ready playlist also gives me the chance to actually enjoy and soak up the Discover Weekly playlist that pops in my feed. (This past weekend, it was John Mayer's new album.)

Any suggestions on music and mascara, send them my way!