I Slept on a Satin Pillowcase For a Week. Things Happened.

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Let's get this out of the way: when it comes to beauty upkeep, I'm completely lazy. While I've covered fashion and beauty as a journalist for 10 years (stop doing math right now), I've never had the energy to subscribe to the upkeep. Ironing clothes? I never do it. Dry cleaning? There are a half dozen companies that will come to my front door right this second to pick up my wrinkled silks, but still, they hang sadly in the abyss of my closet. The same is true for my beauty game.

I know what you're supposed to do, and I do most of it. I wash my face daily and slather my been-writing-for-10-years eyes in whatever goop I can find, which is typically pretty good goop because, if I am gonna do it, I want to get the right stuff. But there's also a whole lot of stuff I just cannot get myself to do.

There are rules I'm supposed to follow when it comes to my hair, and I know this because I write about them. Deep conditioning treatments I'm supposed to indulge in. Songs I'm supposed to sing.

But I just don't.

Last week, though, I went against the grain and decided to sleep on a Savvy Sleepers satin pillowcase from the October Must Have box. I slept on it for an entire week and documented what happened.

No more face wrinkles

You know those pesky wrinkles you wake up with that are from the edges of your pillowcase? I didn't have any for the entire week. Pure magic.

I stayed cool

This might be an unintended effect, but my body temperature was much cooler than normal. I normally wake up sweating but that didn't happen all week.

See ya, matted hair

My hair is typically very tangled when I get up in the morning, especially underneath. Not this week! It was actually softer, which was surprising because my hair is processed and dry.

And that, friends, is how sleeping on a satin pillowcase changed it all.