The Funniest Celebrity Tweets of the Week

This week, our favorite Twitter stars said sayonara to 2013 and welcomed the New Year with friends and family. All the downtime interaction brought on some amusing observations, like Elizabeth Banks's son's analysis of a famous Sesame Street character's pysche. Meanwhile, Seth Meyers reflected on the real reason Time printed his smile on millions of magazines. Check out all that and more in our favorite funny tweets from the week!


We'll never see Sesame Street in the same light again.

Exactly, Seth — this has nothing to do with your new late-night show.

Hold the LOLs. Is this intentionally funny, Larry?

I've never been skydiving, But I have zoomed-in on Google Earth really fast.

— Bill Murray (@BiIIMurray) December 31, 2013

Bill, do you get the same iOS 7 side effects, like motion sickness and vertigo?

Was gonna go to the gym, but parking lot was so crowded I would've had to park 3 blocks away. I'm not walking that far to get on a treadmill

— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 2, 2014

Ellen is holding off on that New Year's resolution for now.

Man, I attack @GlennHowerton in that kiss. I don't know how to kiss guys demure. I'm like a raccoon & the guys are trash cans. #MindyonBravo

— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) December 31, 2013

Yes, Mindy critiques her onscreen kisses.

So far my regimen for the People's Choice Awards is: shrugging a lot and rinsing cat food out of bowls

— Kat Dennings (@OfficialKat) January 2, 2014

Kat is all about the glamorous life.

Uh-oh! Oprah's on a 'fresh prince of bel air' re-run. SOMEONE'S getting a residual check.

— Damon Wayans Yunior? (@wayansjr) January 2, 2014

Another day, another paycheck for Ms. Winfrey.

Amazon I love u but just b/c I bought a trash can doesn't mean i need all ur latest trash can news. I got one. I'm set

— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) December 27, 2013

If trash-can connoisseurs exist, Sarah isn't one of them.

I have what I like to call a #ChristmasHangover #BahHumbug if i hear one more jingling bell or get offered one more mince pie...

— Kelly Osbourne (@KellyOsbourne) December 27, 2013

What, Kelly? What will you do?

This is by far the most I've ever been entertained by Shia LaBeouf.

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 2, 2014

We take it Seth hasn't seen an episode of Disney's Even Stevens.

I believe it is my right to be able to google "wireless bra" without maternity wear coming up

— Whitney Cummings (@WhitneyCummings) December 29, 2013

Whitney, Google is trying to send you a message.

Just told an officer our car wasn't really standing because it's a car and it can't stand I'm gonna get tased one day one day soon

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) January 2, 2014

For better or worse, Chrissy will not edit herself!

My @reddit #ama is live now! It goes without saying you can ask my publicist anything.

— Joel McHale (@joelmchale) January 2, 2014

Joel can't be bothered with answering questions on his own.

In a Weird way, I will miss all of the Michael Bolton holiday car commercials.

— lisa rinna (@lisarinna) December 31, 2013

How will he and Honda top that in 2014?

Now don't go tryin' to wear all your new lingerie at once this weekend girls. Space it out a bit.

— DC (@DaneCook) December 27, 2013

Right, Dane — "girls" are going to take your lingerie advice.

Still no celebrity divorces in 2014!

— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) January 1, 2014

We've got nothing but happy relationship news, Michael!

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