See the Original Dance Moves That Ryan Gosling Re-Created on SNL

Before Ryan Gosling became a treasured heartthrob, he was a kid with sassy dance moves. And thanks to a wonderful person with the proof, you can now watch 12-year-old Ryan slay in all his glory. Back in March, Shaun Swire shared the adorable clips with the world, showing Ryan channeling his inner Elvis Presley in a leather jacket (which he takes off!) and MC Hammer in parachute pants. The actor re-created the moves for a sketch during his SNL hosting gig in December, and yes — he's still got it.

Besides delighting fans to the nth degree, the clips have also caught the attention of Ryan himself. Following his hilarious return to Twitter, Ryan shared his reaction to the throwback gems days later, tweeting, "Obviously I peaked early. Thank you @JaneChupick and twitter for the check up from the neck up."

Ryan hasn't completely lost his mad skills: in 2011, he re-created a memorable Dirty Dancing moment when he lifted up Al Roker during an appearance on Today with Emma Stone. Watch the adorable videos, and be sure to look back on Ryan's cute evolution.

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