Hollywood Men Join the White House's Fight Against Sexual Assault

Stars like Daniel Craig, Steve Carell, and Seth Meyers appear in the White House's new "1 Is 2 Many" PSA on campus sexual assault. Citing statistics that say one in five women is a victim of sexual assault while in college, the PSA pushes for people to become part of the solution. Along with Daniel, Steve, and Seth, Benicio Del Toro and Dulé Hill also voice their support for the cause. In the video, Steve says, "It happens to our sisters and our daughters," adding, "It's a crime. It's wrong." With a nod to the idea that women are often blamed for sexual assault, Daniel says, "If I saw it happening, I'd never blame her. I'd help her."

During a White House event on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden debuted the PSA and discussed the government's latest initiatives to curb sexual assault on college campuses. While delivering remarks, Biden said, "No man has a right ever to raise his hand to a woman, period. It is assault if they do." He also said that victims shouldn't be "reassaulted" with questions when the assault is investigated, adding, "The real question is what made him think that he had the right to do what he did."

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