James Corden Really Confuses the People of Paris With His Les Misérables Crosswalk the Musical Performance

James Corden took his popular (and slightly dangerous) segment "Crosswalk the Musical" on the road this week, as he and his band of renegade musical theater performers traveled to Paris to perform Les Misérables in the shadow of the Arc de Triomphe. The group stopped traffic on the busy Paris streets to perform a number of the musical's most famous songs, including "Master of the House," "Do You Hear the People Sing," and a very emotional version of "I Dreamed a Dream," complete with the requisite live haircut.

If the looks of disbelief from passers-by weren't enough, anyone who's visited the French capital will know that Parisian drivers aren't exactly patient, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that the locals had little time for James's musical antics . . . not that that put him off. "I'll see you in court!" he joked to one driver, after climbing on the hood of his car during a rousing finale of "One Day More." James did appear to complete the performance without getting injured, but we hope he made it to the Eurostar quickly before that irate driver tracked him down!

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