A Marlon Brando Biopic Is in the Works — Here Are 8 Smoldering Casting Ideas


Over a decade ago, Marlon Brando's best friend, George Englund, released a memoir about their enduring friendship titled The Way It's Never Been Done Before. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the memoir is officially being optioned by New Republic Pictures as a biopic about the life of the American actor, film director, and activist. The production company is the same one that's been behind critically acclaimed films such as Black Swan, Hacksaw Ridge, and more, so we have faith the story is in good hands.

Once the project gets greenlit, the difficult task will be finding a classically handsome actor with the right depth, complexity, and furrowed eyebrows to portray the iconic star. As for that, we have a few ideas. Fortunately, there are plenty of babes who seem to have what it takes for this epic leading role. They make our job so easy.


Armie Hammer

The Call Me by Your Name actor is known for his classic movie-star appearance; however, his dynamic acting skills are beginning to prove that he's much more than his good looks.


Dacre Montgomery

The breakout Stranger Things season two actor doesn't have many roles under his belt, but this could certainly be the one to catapult his career and make him a household name.


James Franco

In addition to bearing a striking resemblance, the actor previously portrayed James Dean in a 2001 biopic. Clearly he's already got experience in portraying iconic silver-screen stars.


Sebastian Stan

After appearing as Captain America's sidekick in several Marvel movies, portraying Brando could give the 35-year-old actor the leading role of a lifetime. Also, that jawline!


Oscar Isaac

The Star Wars and Inside Llewyn Davis actor does the whole brooding bad boy thing like no one else. Plus, he's got the eyebrows to play Brando.


Vincent Piazza

Though he wasn't, everyone seems to think Brando was Italian — likely because of his famous role in The Godfather. Vincent Piazza is actually Italian and the Boardwalk Empire actor has the charm and talent for the role.


Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy might not resemble Brando as much as the other contenders; however, he can be quite the chameleon. He's not necessarily a ringer for Bane, but he sure managed that one for The Dark Knight Rises!


Leonardo DiCaprio

This one is an obvious choice. Not only is there a physical resemblance, but the two esteemed actors share similar career trajectories. If you think about it, Leonardo DiCaprio has been auditioning for this role his whole life.

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