You May Have Missed Suzie From "Stranger Things" in This Pivotal "PLL: Original Sin" Role

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"Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin" and "Stranger Things" may not immediately strike you as two shows that have a ton in common, but they're actually a lot alike. Both center on a crew of close teenage friends running around their small town trying to bring down a mysterious killer. Sure, the HBO Max reboot's villain isn't a monster, but that doesn't mean they're any less scary or deadly than a Demogorgon.

Add one more similarity to the list of things the two shows share, because a beloved "Stranger Things" character plays a key role in "PLL: Original Sin." Gabriella Pizzolo — who plays Dustin's (Gaten Matarazzo) tech-y, long-distance girlfriend, Suzie, in seasons three and four of the Netflix sci-fi show — is the actress portraying Angela Waters in "PLL: Original Sin." Much like Suzie, Pizzolo's "PLL: Original Sin" character doesn't appear on screen all that often, but, in contrast, Angela is the key to every terrifying thing that unfolds throughout the series.

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Image Source: YouTube user HBO Max and YouTube user Stranger Things

Pizzolo makes her mark in the dramatic opening scene of "PLL: Original Sin" (which you can watch below). Her character, Angela, stumbles across the dance floor at a 1999 high school rave, crying out for help. When she approaches a group of five girls who appear to be her friends, they ignore her. Finding aid nowhere, she climbs up onto the rafters and screams, "Can you see me now!" before jumping and plummeting to her death. The gripping scene is no more than four minutes long, but it really sets the tone for the rest of the show, which takes place in the present day and sees a mysterious, masked murderer (who goes by "A," of course) terrorize five high schoolers — Imogen, Tabby, Faran, Noa, and Mouse — for the sins of their mothers.

You may not have realized Suzie and Angela were one and the same actress before now, but it makes sense, right? If Pizzolo's iconic scene where she helps save the day with Dustin while singing a rousing rendition of "Neverending Story" tells you anything, it's that Pizzolo knows how to make an impact no matter how much screen time she gets.

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