Hannah Brown's Appearance on The Bachelor Was Much More Emotional Than We Anticipated


Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts! Pilot Peter's season of The Bachelor has finally taken off, and we couldn't be more ready. We're only one episode in, and already we've seen romantic connections formed, tears shed, and even a bit of drama. Not only that, but we finally have answers about why Hannah Brown showed up not just once, but twice(!) during the episode.

When Hannah sent Peter home on The Bachelorette, it was a real heartbreaker. The pair share a memorable history, which made their reunion on Peter's season palpably intense. While Peter looked surprised when he saw Hannah step out of the limo, the contestants were floored. Everyone was worried about what it might mean for their relationships with Peter moving forward. Even Hannah looked nervous, but it turned out to be a really sweet exchange.

Hannah revealed she had "mixed emotions" when news broke that Peter was the new Bachelor. The two had a real connection and Peter even said that he fell in love with her. It turned out that Hannah wanted to see Peter so she could give him back his pilot wings. Peter initially gifted them to Hannah during his own limo entrance onto her season, saying he was looking for his co-pilot. After Hannah returned the wings to have for his own journey, she wished him the best and went on her way . . . but not for long.


Near the end of the episode, Hannah appeared again to host Peter's second group date. The contestants weren't thrilled to see her again — especially once she started telling their steamy love story. Hannah then challenged the women to each tell a personal story about their sex lives in front of a live audience. After the women split off to prepare, Hannah got really emotional and reflected on her and Peter's relationship. The two sat down together and she opened up to him about her "terrible" feelings from the mansion visit and that she questions her choices from the show. Peter didn't just comfort a tearful Hannah, but asked her if she wanted to be a contestant on the show!

Peter said he hands-down would have continued things with Hannah after The Bachelorette if she wanted to. He was really confused about what Hannah wanted, and overwhelmed since he only just started his season-long journey for love. They still have feelings for each other and this conversation brought up a lot of emotions for both of them. The episode ends with a cliffhanger between Peter and Hannah, so we'll have to wait until the next episode to see how things work out.

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