Trying to "Have It All" as a Mom? Here's Sound Advice For Living Your Best Life

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Living your most successful life takes commitment and a desire to always be better and do better. But it's not always an easy task when you are building a career and raising kids and you barely have a free moment in each day to just breathe.

People say you can't have it all — at least, not all at once. The truth is, though, it is more than possible to have a wonderful family, career, and home life, but expecting perfection from each aspect of life at the same time is just not realistic. It is through this realization and self-acceptance that we can do the best we can and continue to strive for a balance that nourishes both our families and our well-being.

If you are trying to "have it all" and are guilting yourself in the meantime, here are some tidbits of advice that might ease the pressure a bit and help you live your best life.

Take Risks

There is never a perfect time for anything, whether it's deciding to have a kid, asking for a raise, or relocating to your new branch on the other side of the country. Without risk, there is no reward, so be willing to take risks, be confident in your decision to do so, and be OK with certain things that may have to be put on hold.

Be Smart

Taking risks doesn't always mean being impulsive. Take the time to make smart choices, whether it comes to budget, parental choices, or even the right tech devices and plans to take advantage of. Preview the options, go over pros and cons, and determine what works best for you and your family. For example, with Total Wireless, you can get 25 GB of shared* data/month on America's most dependable network for just $25 per line for 4 lines. Now that's a no-brainer.

Have Confidence

Believe in yourself as an employee, mom, wife, sister, and every other title you hold dear. Loved ones around you know you are doing the best you can, and you should, too. No one expects perfection (except you!), but having confidence in yourself and your decisions is just what you need to keep doing the great job you already are.

Be Present

There will be times when you are at work and you want to be at home or you're at home when you want to be at work. But having the presence to be in the moment, wherever you are, will keep you focused on the people around you and the tasks that need to be done. By living in the now and getting things done properly with the attention they need, you'll get to be wherever you want to before you know it.

Fight Perfection

We can be hard on ourselves when keeping our houses, our appearances, and our bake-sale donations (we've all been there) to a certain standard. Don't expect perfection, because it'll never be met. Instead, accept that the pile of laundry is there, that your roots are showing a little bit, and that the cookies you're bringing are store-bought. It's all OK.

Be Appreciative

Life as a mom is tough; life as a working mom is tough. But there are so many moments of joy that can be found each day. The silly joke your kid tells you, a family after-dinner walk on a beautiful evening . . . the joy comes in the little things, and appreciating them makes them all the sweeter.

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†* The 30-Day cycle for Shared Data Family Plans begins on the day the first line/device is activated. Any line(s)/device(s) activated later in the first 30-Day cycle will receive only the number of days remaining in that cycle. See Terms and Conditions of service at