This Is What I Want My Daughter to Remember

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Growing up is filled with exciting accomplishments and life's challenges. In honor of Mother's Day, we partnered with The Estée Lauder Companies' Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign to bring you this special post about a mom's hopes and wishes for her child.

Dear little monkey,

The other day we were at the park and I overheard a friend tell you to go away — that she didn't want to play with you anymore. I felt my heart squish and instantly looked up to see your reaction. While the other girl ran away, you stood in place, quietly swinging your arms with a confused look on your face. After following her with your eyes, you looked down, twirled the bottom of your shirt, then walked over to the swings. You asked a little boy if the open swing was available and proceeded to pump your legs with glee while yelling encouragements to your new wee friend.

Then you looked up and smiled at me, tossing a little wave.

My squished-up heart melted. Your ability to brush off the rejection was so wonderful. Right then I wished you could lock up that moment to remember forever — to hold on to the confidence there's always someone else to play with. If only life could be that simple.

As you get older, you'll learn friends can be mean. You'll discover people judge you by how you look, that lying happens, others are quick to point fingers, and aspirations can easily be dismantled. I want you to remember that day in the park — that you can always move on and regroup even when things are challenging.

I might get sick. You might get sick. There will be struggles and successes. You'll face emotions, joys, and pain. I want you to remember you are the most important part of my life, and no matter what happens, know I'll always be your biggest champion, and we can face these challenges together.

Hold on to your inner curiosity and confidence because no one can take that away from you as hard as they might try. Continue to nurture your inner child and you'll be able to accomplish all your dreams. Keep your head up even when you're feeling down and any bad day will transform. Stay bold and brave, which will pave your way through anything.

People will call you names, but don't let words change who you are. See, I know you're smart, creative, adorable, genuine, and empathetic. I remember listening to you that day on the drive home talking about your new little friend and how it was so fun to help push him on the swings. I listened as you told me how you were playing with a girl from school, but she was being bossy and you told her so. And then how she told you to go away and that she wasn't your friend anymore, but that was OK.

I remember smiling at you in the rearview mirror and how excited I was to live the rest of my life with you. I felt a rush of happiness that hopefully one day you'll share the same moment with your own little one. How then the feeling will continue for generations to come, because having you was one of the best things that ever happened to me. And you are truly, utterly cherished.

I love you tons,

Watch this inspiring story from The Estée Lauder Companies' Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign about a mother and daughter touched by breast cancer.

Share a photo or message for those touched by breast cancer on Instagram or Twitter with #BCAstrength, and The Estée Lauder Companies will donate $1 toward lifesaving research, up to a maximum donation of $22,000, to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) in honor of The BCA Campaign's 22nd anniversary.