The 8 Stages of a Hangry Child

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No matter how prepared we all strive to be, it's inevitable for kids to have a hangry breakdown. The various colorful stages of hangriness in little beings aren't much different than those of an adult — they're just a lot more dramatic. You may only see a couple of the signs (or all of them) in no particular order. Either way, it will remind you to pack more easy-to-grab nibbles to keep the hangry away.


The Tantrum

It might start small or come on full force, but a tantrum is the first sign your child might be hangry. This stage is the worst when you’re in a restaurant and haven't even ordered yet or if you’re at the grocery store and your cart is still empty.


The Sleepiness

The hangry hissy fit is sometimes followed by a brief period of zoning out or even light napping. But don't be fooled — there's still more to come.


The Full-On Dramatics

There might be crying, hiccuping, kicking, and even screaming, but the breakdown is real. It's a good idea to hand your child something at this point, like an easy-to-eat apple sauce pouch or even those lonely crackers at the bottom of your bag.


The Annoyance

This usually happens when you're all stuck in the car on the way to soccer games, in traffic, and on road trips. It's the moment your child finds the most annoying thing to say over and over and over again. The stage might include fidgeting, clapping, or random singing. Try to stay calm and endure — food is on its way.


The Look

It's that moment your child will do anything to woo you into handing over more food. You know the look.


The Anticipation

Even the thought of food is beyond. You might hear your child talking about food, pretending to make food, or even fake eating something she loves.


The Big Moment

It's finally time! You hand your child the food and let them go at it. This won't be pretty, so make sure to have lots of wipes handy — or better yet, give them something that makes no mess.


The Complete Crash

After noshing on whatever is available, your happily fed child will blissfully drop off into a delicious sleep. Enjoy the quiet time.

More From Tree Top

As a parent, we all know that our kids have those moments when they need a snack . . . or else. We call those moments the “hangry” times. defines hangry as “Irritable as a result of feeling hungry.” Tree Top knows that avoiding those hangry moments requires a quick and reliable solution. We want to see how you help your kids overcome their hangry moments! Capture and share a photo of your child’s “Hangry2Happy” moment on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Make sure to use #Hangry2Happy and tag @TreeTopInc in your post so we can check it out. You’ll be entered to win one of eight rescue packs full of Tree Top Apple Sauce Pouches, so you’ll be ready when your kids reach their hangry moment. We’ve all been there, and Tree Top wants to help you take your kids from hangry to happy!

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