Useful Baby Shower Gifts New Moms Will Love (and Use!)

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POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Batz

When it comes to baby showers, people typically think of big-ticket items like strollers, changing stations, and cute newborn outfits. But what about the often-overlooked essentials Mom and Dad will really use when baby comes home? Keep reading to see what parents need help stocking up on, like diapers and linens.


The Ultimate Basics

The fact of the matter is that new moms can never have too many basics, like diapers, lotions, and wipes. Even though they might not seem like the most clever baby shower gifts, helping to provide the staples is a great way to make life easier for everyone when the new baby arrives home.


Other Essentials

New parents can expect to clean up lots of messes during the first few months (and years), so help keep the nursery smelling fresh by gifting a new diaper pail. Changing-table helpers are also a win, like changing-pad covers and lots of extra wipes. These underrated items will come in very handy.


Just For Baby

While there's no doubt that newborns are beyond adorable, they can also be the biggest mess-makers. Help Mom stock her baby's drawers with onesies, burp cloths, and extra baby blankets so that she isn't worrying about keeping up with laundry. For those messes that are a little too big for just a change of clothes, gentle baby washes are a thoughtful and practical gift option.


Just For Mom and Dad

Parenting is tough, especially for new parents who are nervous about getting everything just right. Show new moms and dads some love with a care package just for them. Fill it with chocolate bars, chic baby swaddles, a bottle of wine, and an IOU for a grocery trip so they don't have to run out when they're tired. And don't forget a baby monitor!


For Those Crazy Late-Night Feedings

The little bundle of joy will keep Mom up at night with late feedings, so help make it easier on her with a bottle warmer and a big, cozy blanket. She can wrap herself and her baby in it for warmth and comfort.


More From ALDI

ALDI is all smiles as we announce Little Journey — our first full line of baby products! From cooing infants to eager preschoolers, Little Journey will grow alongside your kiddos and meet their varying needs, whether it's formula, organic puree pouches and toddler snacks, or diapers and gentle wipes. For every giggle, gurgle, grin (and hair-pulling meltdown), we'll be there with products that meet or beat the quality of national brands while also saving you money to invest in your child's future.