Revealed: Here's What Moms Really Want For Mother's Day

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Flickr user Maria Grazia Montagnari

Being a mom is a tough job, which is why we partnered with method for this post on the truth about what moms really want for Mother's Day.

Parenthood isn't always easy, and being a mom is a big job with many (if not adorable) challenges. It's not like we're looking for much — five minutes to shower alone, maybe a small box of chocolates (that we don't have to share) — but the acknowledgement is where it's at. Sure, a handmade card crafted by your youngest causes tears to trickle, but admit it, there are a few other things you really want on Mother's Day. We asked our favorite fellow moms what was at the top of their lists, and we couldn't agree more.

"I just really want to sleep in."

"I would love for my husband to gush about what an amazing mom I am on social media. Lay it on thick!"

"Someone to clean the house and do the grocery shopping. Isn't there an app for that?"

Flickr user Donnie Ray Jones

"Note to husband: a mani-pedi is the solution to all your Mother's Day gifting quandaries."

"Someone to take the kids for a few hours. Anywhere. So I can nap."

"I'd love to go to an early-morning yoga class and magically come home to a clean house."

"I'm dreaming of my husband booking a babysitter and then being taken out for an amazing date night. Make me feel like we're young again!"

"I just want to spend the entire day cuddling with my kids while watching movies."

Flickr user Olaf Gradin

"Ten minutes alone in the bathroom would be great. Don't ask me what I'm doing in there!"

"You want to make me happy for an entire year? Give me a whole stack of Mommy Time-Out tickets. I will love you forever."

"Simple and classic: some flowers!"

"I want to sweat it out at the gym — without the kids."

"A year's worth of booked massage appointments would make my life."

"Someone else to cook dinner on Mother's Day!"

"Anything but breakfast in bed. Oh, the mess!"

Flickr user Stephanie

"A pint of ice cream all to myself. Don't judge."

"To go shopping — alone. So luxurious!"

"Sleeping in past 7 a.m. is what dreams are made of."

"For a magic cleaning fairy to clean all the nooks and crannies in the car. And get all the sticky stuff off the car seats."

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To celebrate Mother's Day and give mom a much deserved break, we've partnered with our friends at ePantry to offer you $10 off and a FREE body wash when you join our method VIP program. Here's how it works: answer a few questions about your household, choose the products you love, and ePantry will set up a shipment schedule customized to the needs of your home. You'll also get free shipping for a year, sneak peeks at new products, and other fun surprises for being a method VIP. Use the extra time you saved by not going to the store and treat yourself to that nap mentioned above . . .