Already Lost Track of Your Weight-Loss Resolutions? Here’s How to Recommit to Your Goals

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It's one thing to write down a hopeful new year's resolution in your journal on Jan. 1 — it's another to stay committed to it a few weeks later. Whether it's losing weight or running a 5K, we all have new year's resolutions that were never fully accomplished.

Just because you lost track of your resolutions doesn't mean you have to give up on them completely, though. Recommitting to your goals is simple with the new myWW+. The personalized weight loss and wellness program gives you all the tools you need to pick up where you left off. Follow these four steps to get back on track with your new year's resolutions.

Re-Motivate Yourself

The first step is motivating yourself to try again. Remember the reason you made your resolutions in the first place: If it was worth it to you to try to live a healthier lifestyle in the first place, it's worthy of another try. The WW app can also be a powerful tool. Listen to on-demand coaching recordings and guided meditations from Headspace® to get back in the right mindset.

Make a Step-by-Step Plan

One common reason for falling behind on your goals is not having a fully formed plan. It's much tougher to stay committed to your goals when you haven't set yourself up for success. The new myWW+ has action plans to set goals for the week ahead to keep you focused. When it comes to eating healthy, a weekly meal plan is key — and it's simple to make one with the WW app. Browse the database of more than 9,000 healthy recipes for inspiration, then save them to your meal plan at the beginning of every week to help keep you on track.

Find an Accountability Partner

Having a buddy who's working toward a similar goal can also be helpful. Recruit a friend or family member to help you stay accountable to your goals, or find a group on the WW in-app social network to join. There are groups for every area, age bracket, and interest, so you're sure to find one you relate to. Sharing your challenges and successes with someone who can really relate to what you're going through can be incredibly rewarding.


Track Your Progress

Celebrating each and every win along the way — no matter how small — can also help you stay committed to your resolutions. The WW app offers a seamless way to track your physical activity with FitPoints, your healthy eating with SmartPoints, the hours of sleep you get each night, and even how much water you drink each day. Plus, at the end of the week, you'll get a Weekly Progress Report of everything you did to work toward your weight loss and wellness goals. Seeing what you've accomplished so far laid out in black and white might just provide the fuel you need to keep going. Not to mention, every time you track something in the WW app, you earn WellnessWins rewards that you can redeem for everything from fitness gear to kitchen products.

myWW+ app ($50)