Unexpected Areas en Tu Casa That Could Use a Kid-Safety Upgrade

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If you ask any mamá what she's trying to accomplish throughout the day, she'll probably say she's making sure her kids eat, are dressed, feel loved, stay healthy, and are safe. Safety is often a major concern, because a lot of times parents can't control it. "People often underestimate their children," Dr. Sadiqa Kendi, medical director of Safe Kids Worldwide, told POPSUGAR. "They think they know what their child might or might not get into, but they underestimate what they can and cannot reach, what they might want to get, how they may do that, and I think it's important to understand that your child is probably a lot smarter and a lot more adventurous than you think."

As children grow, the dangers in the house change, and parents have to quickly adapt to them in order to provide a safer environment. While some parents might limit their children's range around the house, Dr. Kendi thinks it's important to have a balance between protecting children from injury while allowing them to explore so they learn their limits. "Unless someone has a room with obviously dangerous items that can't be childproofed, I'd say every space should be available for a child to play in and explore, as long as that area has been childproofed appropriately."

The first thing to do when getting ready to childproof your home is to tidy up. A tidy home is a safe home, and when spaces are free of clutter, it's easier to see where the dangers might be. Once you're done recogiendo and botando las cosas that you don't use anymore, it's time to childproof; make sure you don't forget these unexpected areas that pose real dangers.


Yes, most of us know safety gates for the stairs are a must, and while most people add one, in reality, you need two. If you have a gate on top, it prevents kids from falling down the stairs but leaves the bottom of the stairs open for future hikers and climbers who could trip and hit their heads if they're not fully capable of navigating stairs on their own, and vice versa.

It's also important to note that stairs can get cluttered with toys. When you're tidying up your home, don't forget to pick up items in this unexpected area that pose harm not only for your kids but for you as well. Just imagine slipping on the toy car your child left on a step.


"People often think very fondly about bath time, and I think they sometimes assume they can leave the child just for a couple of seconds to grab something," Dr. Kendi noted. "One thing to remember is that a small child can drown in even a small amount of water both very quickly and very quietly."

Active supervision should be enforced during bath time, and to make it easier, implementing a routine is very helpful. Knowing where everything you potentially might need is or having it organized before bath time can make this time a seamless experience for parents and the child.

Cuarto de Lavado

While we love the smell of ropa limpia, detergent and other cleaning products pose a big danger for children. It's important that kids are not able to access those products, and Tide has gone above and beyond to make sure its packages are also childproof. Tide PODS make our lives so much easier because they clean, remove stains, protect your clothes' color, and have just the right amount of detergent — but the best thing is that they come in packages that are not easy for kids to open. However, it's still important that you tidy up your laundry room and store Tide PODS high up on a shelf and out of a child's reach for an extra level of safety. Parents can keep their children safe around laundry packets by following this simple rule: keep them up, keep them closed, and keep them safe.


The most important thing to do to childproof your living room is to mount all TVs, bookcases, dressers, and anything that could tip over. "Kids can be very curious, and if they try to reach out to or grab something, they can pull it over on themselves," Dr. Kendi added. "Although a flat-screen TV seems very light in comparison to the old-school large TVs, they're still quite heavy for a child and can injure them severely."

Besides securing TVs and furniture, keeping the space tidy will make it safer. Limit the amount of knickknacks, and keep the necessary items organized so you have a better view and control of what your child is getting into.


Of course, the kitchen can be dangerous because there's a stove and knives, but that's just a few of the threats that can be found there. Most of us don't realize that children can get injured by pulling out hot things from the microwave, or that they can reach pot handles and spill whatever was cooking and burn themselves. So keep the microwave out of reach, the pot handles turned in, and the rest of the kitchen gadgets organized and inaccessible.

If you want to be extra careful, stove knob protectors are a great investment, as they prevent unwanted small fires and gas leaks in the kitchen that could potentially escalate. And since we're on that subject, make sure your home has a working smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector.

Lastly, be sure to always keep counters tidy, and store sharp items and cleaning products securely in drawers and cabinets.

While parents do their best to keep their children safe, sometimes there are accidents. It's important that every caregiver knows to call emergency services in case it's necessary or if your child has gotten into something. Save the Poison Help number in your phone and post it visibly at home: 1-800-222-1222. Staffers can help guide you 24/7, 365 days a year to determine if the situation is really serious — and you need to call the emergency department — or if it's something you can handle at home.

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Image Source: melrodstyle