7 Important Quotes Every Woman Needs to Read From Mindy Kaling's New Book

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If Mindy Kaling ever gave up being an actress, she would probably make an excellent life coach. Her latest book — Why Not Me? — is jam-packed with amazing quotables, insights, and lessons all women should take stock of and digest.

Celebrate Each Other's Successes

"I would like to think this experience [of not winning the Emmy] helped me kick off a lifetime of grace and the ability to express happiness for people who are doing well when I am not."

Make Time For the Ones You Love

"If someone really wants to see you, they always find a way. Always."

Keep Your Cool

"Throwing a tantrum feels good because you think you are ruining everyone's good time when you feel your very worst. But the truth is, you're not ruining their good time — you're just giving them another good story."

Beauty Secrets

"Talking about looks isn’t important. It's just supposed to be fun."

Eat. Like, Really Eat.

"I can't for the life of me not eat something that I want to eat. You know how if you turned on a faucet in your sink to wash your hands, the idea of leaving the bathroom without turning it off is insane? That's how I am about ignoring delicious food."

Love Your Body (Or Just Don't Hate Yourself)

"If you've got it, flaunt it. And if you don’t got it? Flaunt it. 'Cause what are we even doing here if we’re not flaunting it? . . . "It’s not that I think I'm so great. I just don’t hate myself."