The Best Breakup Stories That Will Make You Feel Better

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Going through a breakup is never a fun experience. Someone is inevitably hurt, there are potentially bad dramatic scenes, and the heartache can last for months. We've all been there, and once the pain subsides, sometimes those stories are so much more bearable when compared to someone else's horrible scenarios. I've been through enough breakups in my life so I can chuckle about the past, but if you're fresh out of a relationship, you may need someone to commiserate with. Behold, a few of the best breakup tales to help you feel better — all anonymous, of course.

  • My boyfriend and I went to a bar for a couple of beers and ended up playing pool with a group of other girls. I went to get a drink and came back and found him making out with one of them. I couldn't even move.
  • My boyfriend called me over Winter break and said he wasn't returning for Spring session. I was completely heartbroken. Then I saw him on campus two weeks later. He saw me and was like, whatever.
  • We were getting ready for prom, and one of my friends had been talking about how her boyfriend had been a bit distant. She had high hopes that the night would be a big help to move their relationship in a different direction. He called her right before we left and broke up with her! He had hooked up with the girl he'd always had a crush on and was taking her to prom.
  • It's not only guys who are bad with breakups. One of my friends in college had been seeing her boyfriend since high school and even decided to go to the same college as him. She confessed that she'd been sleeping with his best friend for over a year, and I told her she had to come clean. Instead of dealing with it the right way, my friend set it up so he'd walk in on them. Totally lame.
  • I had a boyfriend propose to me with a ring he had used for proposing to his ex-girlfriend. I wouldn't have found out except his mother saw the ring and made a comment about it in front of me. I couldn't wrap my head around the whole situation and ended up breaking up with him.
  • There was this guy that I had a super crush on and thought he was so nice. We ended up hanging out a couple of times, which was awesome. But then he kept asking me to pay for everything, and I couldn't figure out why he never had any money. We were out to dinner and he handed me the bill (again). When I suggested he should take care of it, he called me a whole bunch of names — right in the middle of the restaurant. The guy stormed out, and I never heard from him again.
  • My friend was completely ghosted just a couple of weekends ago, and it was seriously the worst thing ever. Not only was it so hard on her, but the group of people who knew them both as a couple had no clue what to do. It was like he disappeared into thin air — to everyone. Not cool.

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