8 Times Your Mom Was Your Biggest Cheerleader

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There's no one we can count on more than our mom. Whether it's doling out invaluable life advice, showing her love through small gestures, or just being there when we need her the most, she's often our biggest supporter. With this in mind, we asked eight of our editors to share a favorite anecdote in which their mom's actions made a lasting impact. Keep reading for these heartwarming and totally relatable moments.

Dominique Astorino

When you needed to skip town

"This past year, when I was going through a really serious rough patch, my mom said, 'screw it, we're going to Mexico!' and we took off on a week-long adventure to Tulum, Chichen Itza, and Cancun, where we experienced a new world together. We drove through the jungle of the Yucatan in a stick shift on a one-lane highway in search of Mayan ruins, swam in cenotes, slept in a tree house on the beach, and ate a ton of Mexican food. She's the one person I know who would drop everything and take off to another country, all in favor of my emotional well-being. The trip was the best pick-me-up I could ever ask for; it was so surreal, magical, and unforgettable, and I got to do it with my mom."

— Dominique Astorino, assistant editor, fitness

Samantha Netkin

When you needed career advice

"My mom is truly my cheerleader every single day, but she was especially my most important supporter when choosing a career path. Before landing my dream job, I faced many ups and downs. I remember advancing very far in the interview process for a position with another company and ended up not being offered the job. My mom motivated me to keep moving forward and reassured me that I would end up where I was meant to be, and she was 1000 percent right. Thanks, Mom!"

— Samantha Netkin, editorial assistant

Sarah Wasilak

When you needed her to reassure you

"When I was applying for jobs during my last semester of college, my mom took the time out of her day to talk me through my anxiety. I'm extremely neurotic, so every extra day I had to wait for a callback or a response to an email was another 30 minutes she stepped away from her work desk to calm me down over the phone. She read every cover letter, along with every single version of my résumé. I made her absolutely crazy, but never did she stop helping me."

— Sarah Wasilak, assistant editor, fashion

Tara Block

When your achievements were her achievements

"My mom is always sharing the stories I write on social media and giving me constant encouragement about how proud she is that I've found my dream job. She's totally my biggest cheerleader — in fact, she still wears a shirt that says "cheerleader mom" from when I was an ACTUAL cheerleader in high school."

— Tara Block, content director, living

Rebecca Brown

When you second-guessed yourself

"Mom always told me that my 20s would be the hardest. I found this advice super useful in plotting my moves, from Santa Barbara to LA, to NY, then to SF. I was always riddled with uncertainty — in moves and even career switches — and she'd always emphasize that things don't get figured out until you're 30. My not knowing and my perpetual sense of indecision was normal."

— Rebecca Brown, brand content editor

Terry Carter

When she wouldn't let you give up

"My mom has always been my biggest support system. During college, there were so many times when things were tough for me — both financially and emotionally — and my mother would always tell me to keep going, even when I just wanted to give up. Whenever I accomplish anything, my mom always says to me, 'I knew you could do it!' Just knowing that I have someone in my corner who always believes in me, even when I don't believe in myself, is something that I'll always cherish."

— Terry Carter, editorial intern

Christen Nino De Guzman

When she was your everything

"My mom has always been my best friend, but after I got diagnosed with cancer in college, she supported me more than ever. She stayed by my side 24/7, worked from my hospital room, and drove me to every single appointment. I believe her support and positive attitude helped me push through and ultimately win the fight of my life! I don't know what I'd do without her."

— Christen Nino De Guzman, community and marketing coordinator, influencer programs

Laura Meyers

When she surprised you when you needed it the most

"My mom is great about acknowledging big moments and achievements, but she's especially thoughtful when it comes to showing love with the little things. Despite living across the country, she always makes a point to be there without actually being there. On a particularly tough day last year, she knew I was having a hard time and she pulled out all the stops: a flower delivery at work, a care package full of my favorite Chicago foods on my doorstep, and a pile of greeting cards that popped up in my mailbox throughout the week. She really is the ultimate cheerleader — the kind of mom who never lets you forget you're loved."

— Laura Meyers, editor, trending and viral features

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